
I am fairly fat and would like to take up running, my goal is to run for 1 hour 3 times a week. How long do yo

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I am fairly fat and would like to take up running, my goal is to run for 1 hour 3 times a week. How long do you think it will take me to run around 2 miles?




  1. If you're running for one hour straight you will be running well over 2 miles each time you run.  I pace 6mph on a treadmill which equates to a ten minute mile.  Even if you're running 5 mph (which is fairly slow) you'll be over 2 miles.  

    Be realistic- if you've never run before and you're overweight/out of shape you will most likely not be able to run for an hour straight.  Try something more attainable:

    I've followed this schedule and I am now able to run a 5k in a half hour.  If I can only get rid of my freakin shin splints I"ll be golden.

    Good luck.

  2. I wouldn't suggest going this long (1 hr.) if your not in good shape.  Sure you can probably do it...but you may injure or hurt yourself.  Slowly but surely work up to an hr. if that is your goal, start at around 15-20 min. 3-4 times a week and mix up some jogging/walking the whole way.  Each week or two slowly increase the time you exercise until eventually you'll be able to do the whole hr. without much difficulty.  Also you should see some unwanted lbs. come off as well if eating right and drinking a lot of water.  Good Luck

  3. First off, your answer. Most people can walk at 3 mph - so in an hour you can walk 3 miles, or 2 miles in 40 minutes.

    Anything faster than 40 minutes for 2 miles, or longer distance than 3 miles in an hour is better than walking.

    OK so what to do?

    Well I would start off slowly, and I think you have the right idea - run then walk and then run again. I would suggest that to start with you go out for half hour sessions - thats a good length to go out for. Run untill you need to walk (and remember where you started walking), then walk untill you have recovered enough to run again - then run till you need to walk (remember where you set off running again). Next time you go out along that route, try to run further than you dis last time and try to set off running at the same point after your run. That way you are increasing the amount of running you do and less walking.

    If you want to go out for an hour, split it into sections, try 10 minutes run-walking then 10 minutes walk, then run walk again for 10 mins.

    Do these sessions untill you feel that you can run longer than half hour then try running for 45 minutes.

    The aim here is to slwoly build it up and not goall out all at once. A steady progress to running is better.

  4. an hour is a long time... im a sprinter for track and in good shape and i dont think i've ever run for an hour straight the longest i've ever done is 25 mins... and i only ran 2 miles....

    maybe it's because i can't run long distances but i'd say just run until you break a sweat and get genuinly tired... u know you get that feeling in your gut and your stomach starts to growl... anyway i just run until i get that pain in my side... and then i turn around and run home

  5. 2 miles doesn't take that long, should be within your hour of running

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