
I am falling out of love with someone and don't want to?ike to ask?

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This is different then your average kinda thing, which is why I couldn't find it on other questions. I am in love with this guy, I've liked him forever, and he and I hooked up this summer, and I must say, those nights were probably some of my favorite times of the summer. And now, I am starting to fall out of love with him. We no longer have anything romantic but still talk occasionally, though I wouldn't say were friends. Lately, he's been acting the way he acted towards me back when he liked me, and I like it a lot. I don't want to fall out of love with him, how do I keep that from happening?

And also, I completely believe Andy Warhol was correct when he said if you look at a thing to long it loses its meaning.

I still like this guy and miss those nights and have feelings for him and want to be with him, but its not enough. I still get a zap when I am with him, but not nearly as much as before. How do I keep from falling out of love, there has to be a way, right?

17 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. I think you may be mistaking "love" for "chemistry". Chemistry is that zap. It's what makes you get butterflies and stuff. But love goes way deeper than that. Love isn't an emotion, it's like a choice. A choice that you're going to care about this person no matter what. It's a big thing. Feelings come and go but what's important is what you decide- is this person worth committing to? Am I going to stick around even when I don't feel like it? Is this person worth it even if the chemistry goes away? If the answer to those questions is no, then you aren't in love and never were, it was just attraction. And attraction goes away.

  2. I am not sure how old you are or in how many relationships you have been in, but loosing that initial spark after a while is pretty normal. i am not saying that you don't love each other anymore, but everything becomes  a bit "normal" and "every day" after a while. This might sound a bit weird, but when you buy a new pair of pants that you really like you wear them almost evry day, right? Well, after a while those new pants are still great, but not new any longer. Do you know what I mean.

    I good and healthy relationship stands the test of time. After those first few weeks or months, when you start dealing with more than just fun thing together. I know it's hard, but that's how you know if you have the right partner or not. Just ask yourself, if you really like the guy or if it was something less deep and just fun. It takes time to figure out if someone is the right one. Not being as excited as at the beginning of your relationship does not neccessaryly mean that you are falling out of could just mean that you are taking the next step, further into the relationship.

    Hope this help a bit

  3. You love him for the s*x, not because of him. That's the only thing you have in common right now, and that's why you are falling out of love, because I think you are finding that the s*x is not enough, you want him to be something he is not. I would suggest you move on, get out there and choose a different guy. I would also suggest that when you find this other guy, that you refrain from s*x and enjoy his company and all he has in common with you. The s*x will come once you get married. Best of wishes!

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