
I am fed up of this. I have Red slider 7 months old .?

by  |  earlier

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I stay at india where i cant get any thing . i only only only fed pellets about 15 a day. I know its totally wrong. Please only telll me how much at a time and howmany a day to be feed pellets.

I am not getting any non veg items for red slider not even blood eorms , or any other. I am only getting worms but shop keepers told me this only ment for fish not for turtles. For 7 months i only feed pellets .And her shell is growing the black part is grown too much and the green part is less grown. It can be naturally tell me what to do. She is always begging for food. She is about 4 inch .not more than that. Which chicken i should her tell about the chicken in detail.and how much chicken should i feed at a time and the gap between her diet. How many times a day i should fed her.

Please tell me it will be help full for me bye.




  1. you also need to be feeding the turtle veggies and fruits and meats.

    Pellets should be how many fit into his head. (not counting neck)

    and you need to stop feeding 15 a day! That will cause pyramiding.!

    You should be feeding every other day and about 5-7 pellets every other day.

    visit this site for more information-

    or go to the forum-- --

    ask questions about turtles there and not here on answers.

    they are all turtle experts and will help you with all of your turtle needs.

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