
I am feeling extremely depressed...please help me

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I am 13 and having a lot of problems at home. My sister(age 23) and mom are constantly having HUGE fights, and its tearing me appart. They constantly scream at each other, and its very hard on me, because these fights are 10x worse than the ones that my parents had, before getting divorced.

I was very close to my sister. My mom pretty much neglected me at times, and my sister was the only one who acted like she cared about me.

my sister went on vacation on a week, with her boyfriend, and is coming home today. My mom has bad talked her the entire week, and i overheard her say last night "Thats it" "Tomorrow will be the day I do it" and she also said how she is going to kick my sister out tonight. I am very afraid, that my mom wont let me see her after this. My sister is not home yet, and texted me and said she will be home tonight, and to unlock the chainbolt so she can get in, but my mom will see me do it, and get furious, when she sees me do it. So i cant unlock it, and I feel so guilty, and feel like crying.

I feel so depressed and guilty, and I just cant stand this happening to me. I know I shouldnt be thinking like this, but I am really considering suicide at times. Its just very hard on me, and I cant stand it, and feel like crying right now.

I need advice, or something. Please, help me :(




  1. first you have to talk all of you together and see why are your mom and sister are fighting. and try to solve the problem. if you cant do that. you talk to your sister and mom. when your sister was young were she and your mom fighting?  try to remind them that they are mother and daughter.  and the good times that they used to have when they weren't fighting . i hope this helps please tell me what happened. email me at have a yahoo account but i don't use it i just use it for the answers i hope i helped ;)

  2. this is kinda hard but i think you should forget all of your stress and go to really fun party's

  3. Well, I can see every body has problems in this life,so the couple things I'll doing : tried to understand you mom, talk to her and do exercise, go to run every day and pray to Heavenly Father you and your family needs the gospel of Jesus Christ in your life, every time when you are depressed talk to God and tell him all the things you have inside, cry with him and after you talk to God, TRUST ME, you going to feel much better. Don't give up.

  4. thats very hard to go through. If your sister moves out then see if you could move in with her.

  5. I really don't have that good of advice, but could you go out jogging? When I feel horrible or sad, I put on headphones and go running and then take a hot shower. It helps so much and will clear your mind. Try to talk things over with your mom. You can also talk to your dad or other family members. Don't hurt yourself whatever you do. Be strong, bad things will pass. Always ask for help from others- family, friends, counselor or hotline. Thats the way I have survived.

  6. I am sorry to hear your home life is so chaotic and stressful. At your age, there is not much you can do about the situation. But you must not consider harming yourself. It is not the right answer. Find a school counselor you can talk to or call a hotline. You need to remove yourself from the conflict between your mom and sister and let them work it out between themselves. Your sister is old enough to deal with this herself. Your loyalty to her is understandable but you should not have to shoulder this burden. Tell both your mom and your sister that their conflict is hurting you and you just can't take it any more. Ask them to leave you out of it because it is making you sick. Find someone you can talk to, maybe even your doctor.

    It won't always be this way. Life will get better for you if you can just hang on.  

  7. Well try doing something you like. For instance do you like riding a bike. You can go bike riding, join a sport in school, join an activity center, or do a hobbie. Keep active remember keeping active can remove stress and depression.

  8. I'm very sorry that your mom is putting you through this. I know what your going through. You just have to keep in mind that its not you who is causing the fights and you cant control your mother or sisters behavior. I would try suggesting to your mom that you want to go see a therapist with her because there are some problems that you want to work out. Just remember that parents don't know everything, they do know that you need to eat your veggies and so on but a lot of the time there just like you and I. There is no one that knows the right and wrong of everything and try not to let it bother you. I'm sorry :(

  9. oh my gosh, i'm so sorry to hear that! =[

    first of all, dont feel guilty, you didn't do anything wrong. what you need to do is maybe sit down with both your mom and sister, or maybe just one of them, and talk about it and explain to them how you're feeling. i'm sure they will listen if you tell them how bad you've been feeling lately. also, when school starts again for you (or if it already did, i dont know) you can talk to a guidance counselor or something. Also, do you have grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, or other family members? You can talk to them about it too. I'm sure they won't ignore you.

    Also, if you're ever thinking about suicide, CALL someone, like a hotline. They will talk it out with you and it helps a lot. There are tons of hotlines you can call when feeling depressed.

    I really hope I helped! And again, I'm so sorry to hear about whats been going on with your family. Good luck!

  10. i had hard trouble in my high school years too, it was hard for me to get along with people, no one liked me and i tried to commit scuicide severel times, but all in all i am really glad that i dident kill myself. i know where you are. what really helped me is i found freinds that i could talk to, i did what i could to keep up a smile, it was hard, but i fought my way thru. if i were you i would unlock the chain bolt, if your mom yells at you, let her, my dad yelled at me more times than i can count with 5 digits. i kept a smile, i kept walking a straight path. i found that alot of my troubles came from what others would think of me. but i found that i shuldent care about that. if 300 people hate me and 1 person is my freind, what do i have? one better freind than 300 people have. dont do anything drastic... if you need someone to talk to my facebook name is allen williquette, or you can e-mail me at just dont make a decision that your going to regret for the rest of your life.

  11. I know exactly how you are feeling and there isn't much you can do except let everyone know you love them. Your sister and mom are going through hard times now and you are kinda being put on the back burner right now. That's ok though. You know you mom loves the both of you and I say this because I know from experience. I wasn't the best kid when I was younger and my mom had to kick me out too. I was extremely mad at her but now that I am older I understand. It was just as hard for her to kick me out as it was for me to swollow my pride and say sorry. My lil sister also got in the middle like you cause she was the one there all the time and didn't get the attention she needed. Just to reassure you everything will be ok. Give your mom a hug and tell her you will be there for her and do the same for your sister. They will return it with the same amount of love.

      Maybe tomorrow after you wake up go to your mom and talk to her. Let her know how you are feeling. She needs to know. Need to talk more then just IM me if you'd like.  

  12. It sounds like a lot of this stuff is out of your hands and there's not a lot you can do about it. I'm sorry. Your mom has the right to kick your sister out, as she's well over 18. That might actually make your house a little more calm. That doesn't mean you can't talk to her on the phone and see her on weekends or after school.  

    I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear, but give your school counselor a shot. They are bound by law to keep what you tell them confidential unless someone is in danger or being abused. They are highly trained and can give you some advice on how to deal with your problems.

    The best advice I can give is to just be a positive influence in your home. Try to help your mom out and do what you can to help her be happy, but remember that you're not responsible for her happiness. Don't worry about things that are out of your control, and try to stay out of the fights.  I know it's hard, but it will change.  

  13. dont feel guilty,its not your fault they dont get along,perhaps you can talk to your mom and sister,see if you can see a counsler..someone to vent to and give you top notch advice,if your family doesnt listen talk to a school counsler when you get back into school.good luck hun!

  14. Please don't harm your self it's not worth it! You have your whole life ahead of you and be strong and if you have any close relatives that you may contact  call them and let know what is going on or can you at least have your phone close by so if something bad happens,God forbid anything happen to you or your sister!  Call the police they will keep you safe from harming your self or your mom harming your sister!

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