
I am flying for the first time in my life/I am an overweight person?

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Can some experienced flyers please let me know if I will be able to fit in the airplane seats. I am 5'4" 240 lbs......50 inch there any one out there my size who has flown and was able to fit in seats???? Tell me about your experience.........Many thanks




  1. 240 lbs you'll be fine.

  2. Hey Matey! Don't you worry. You'll be surprised by the utmost attention rendered to all passengers by the Cabin Crews. Infact, all cabin crew are trained to accommodate all  passengers needs and rendered their assistance without prejudice. You probably be busy enjoying by exploring the AVOD = Audio Video On Demand on board the aircraft.

    Just relax and wear something you are very comfortable with during your Long Flight or Short Flight.

    During your flight do make at least a couple visit to the Rest Room.Don't return to your seat immediately after visiting the Rest Room, instead moves towards the rear of the plane with a brisk walk. Stand on your feet for at least 20-30 minutes. This is a very good blood circulation routine exercise and also to prevent DVT = Deep Vein Thrombosis aka Economy Class Syndrome. Preventive is better than cure....

    FYI and with all do respect that DVT applies to all passengers (regardless of body mass index and not just for Obese Passengers). If it's a mid range (just few hours) flight, do a little stretching exercise from your seat by moving your toes, lift your heels, stretch both feet.

    Last, whenever you are seated. Always put on your seat belt (do request the cabin crew if you require an extension seat belt. This is mostly catered for Pregnant Passengers, etc) This is preventive measure if any Turbulence occurred during mid flight (nothing for you to worry too, but FAA Safety Protocol for all passengers to adhered by fastening their seat belts during Turbulence). Turbulence are rare but again preventive is the best policy.

    Don't forget to bring along your Camera! Have a load of shots Before, During and After touch down shots of yourself in the aircraft Matey!

    Bon Voyage and Pleasant Journey Matey!

  3. Yeah you will be ok at that weight. Wont be comfortable, but its not even comfrotable for skinny people like me, so dont worry too much.

  4. Of course you will. Don't worry much, the seat of an airplane is just like a smaller version of a kitchen chair, but more comfortable(this example I just made is just because I want you to know the size).

  5. You will fit into the seat but you may be more comfortable with the seatbelt extender.

  6. i,m a 46-48" waist and i have flown 50 times at least and ive only experienced one problem airline it was monarch airlines  i found there seats very small and the legroom was a joke but usually now i ask for seats near the emergency exit where the seats are bigger ... not sure if this is any help but enjoy your trip and have fun...

  7. My boss is your weight and size and he had no trouble with his flights. Might be a tight squeeze in the seats though.

  8. Most Airlines have regular seating that will accommodate individuals of your size.  You are overweight for your height but you are not as obese as some others who fly and would require special seating.  Do not gain any more weight, if you can avoid it.

  9. I would ask to sit right near the doors, there is noone in front of you and you will have plenty of room.  I don't know if they would allow it, but you could call the airlines and ask.  A lot of people hate to sit there, so its worth a chance!

  10. I'm a relatively large person as well... It won't be the most comfortable flight in the world but it's manageable.  Get a seat in the emergency row or bulkhead (first row on the plane) if possible... but at least an aisle seat will probably be more comfortable.

  11. I'm much bigger than you and had no problems fitting in the seats.

    On my outward journey there were no problems at all.

    On the inbound journey the plane was slightly different and I had to ask for a seatbelt extender thing so, apart from that, no issues at all (the original seatbelt only just didn't fit so you shouldn't need one at all).

    It was my first time flying too so had the exact same fears as you :)

    Obviously, every airline is different with their seat / seatbelt sizes but I flew with a budget airline - so they would be the smallest of the lot.

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