
I am from Costa Rica, how do you say in English these?

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you are a security guard and working all shifts. so you are changing shifts?, rolling shifts, or swinging shifts or what?

how do you say in english the chart of a company with all the positions from the chairman to the production worker? chart, diagram, or what?

how do you say when you change personnel from one area to another?rotate, change, rotation of personnel or what?thank you for your time and greetings from here !




  1. You are on rotating shifts. You would call the next ? a company index. and your last? promotion if its a better job, demotion if the job is worse. Hope that works for you.

  2. The chart is called an Organisation Chart.

    As for the second question it would be called a 'shift' if, and only if, the employee is given another work schedule. like at nights instead or during the day. Otherwise, it is known as 'promoting' if the employee is moving up the coorporate ladder, and 'transfer' if he repositoned with the same status, but moved elsewhere - or to another same-level post.

    Good luck!

  3. 1. You refer to the shift by time of day and the approximate times are listed:

    Day shift 7:00 or 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 or 4:00 p.m.

    Swing shift 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 or 12:00p.m.

    Graveyard shift-11:00 or 12:00p.m. to 7:00 or 8:00 a.m.

    The chart of a company is called "Organization chart" or "Org chart"

    Change of personnel is called "Reasignment" although many other terms apply.

    These answers are general in nature since there is not an exact answer just as Spanish in Costa Rica often has more than one answer.

  4. I love ticos/ticas.  Pura Vida.   Yes you are working a swing shift.  Second is a company index, and the third is a promotion (bueno) or demotion (no bueno).  Hasta Luego

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