
I am from England and i am going Domincan repblic in June - What are the essentails i need to take with me?

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I am from England and i am going Domincan repblic in June - What are the essentails i need to take with me?




  1. mosceto spray for sure, pefume attracts them, it is very warm over there, if you are stopping near peurto plato make sure you go to sea world, best experience ever, and do the moster truck safari, on that bring with you some shampoos from the hotel to give the little poor children.

  2. SUN SCREEN, it's really hot there.

    Mosquito spray, anything you would use when your camping.

    Cloth that you would normally wear. Stuff you'd normally do in he morning like tooth brush, soap, shower cap and ex. Things you would need to have fun. Swimming suit, ball, and exc. Bike maybe.  You would need to carry Cologne, deo, formal clothes maybe. Other then that it's plan regular things you'll bring anywhere.

  3. Bring lots of sunscreen, especially in june. A passport, don't bother with dollars ,we know the euro is better. A mosquito repealer might help and be ready to drink. Maybe go to your local pub and start training 2 weeks before you go.

    We sell condoms so don't worry. In fact you could get them for free. As far as clothes, if you are going to be mainly in the resort, it is up to you how fancy you want get. But definitely keep it casual because it's pretty hot.

    If you want more info about resort areas in my country visit

    I site dedicated to all the beautiful resort locations in the D.R. I hope you have a blast!

  4. Passport, tickets, cash, toothbrush, bikini & sun tan lotion

  5. Passport money toothbrush condoms clothes. Mosquito repellent would be useful too.

    Have a good time, its a lovely place.

  6. Please please if you take just one thing there, make sure it's sickness tablets and something to prevent or cure food poisoning!

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