
I am from India and planning to travel around south american countries by road starting Jan-08. I would like t

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I am from India and planning to travel around south american countries by road starting Jan-08. I would like to buy a car

for the trip. may be a used one or new. what is the procedure and which vehicle is ideal for south american roads.

I may start at bogato in columbia or rio in brazil.




  1. As a Latin American I think it is my foremost responsibility to advise you not to travel around South America by road. Most borders are not controlled by governments but by irregular armed groups and chances are you are going to have a lot of nasty surprises instead of enjoying this wonderful land.

    If you still wish to do this trip here are some tips:

    1. Get visas for all the countries you are visiting.

    2. You will need certain vaccinations in order to enter some countries such as the Yellow Fever vaccine.

    3. Buying a car in South America is fairly simple, just have a lot of cash in hand and you'll get your car.

    4. If you are buying a car the best would be an all terrain 4x4, such as a Jeep or a Wrangler. (not all roads in the borders are in great conditions and you could need the all terrain.

    5. Be patient. Many times border crossings are closed for security reasons and it can take several days for them to reopen.

    6. Do not start your trip in Colombia, actually avoid Colombia. Colombia's southern border is controlled by the FARC and paramilitary groups for quite some time and is considered one of the most insecure borders in Latin America. Furthermore, the border with Venezuela has very recently been the scene for several murders and kidnappings not only of farmers and ranchers in the area but of military, business men, and civilians. The border towards Panama has been closed for decades with no real road towards Panama and completely controled by irregular armed groups.

    7. If you start at Rio you can go in three separate routes. If you towards Brasilia, then Manaus and through the amazonian road (here you really need the all terrain vehicle) you can reach Venezuela through its southern border and go around the this country. (By the way of all of South America the best road grid is in Venezuela where you will also be able to find a gas station almost everywhere and fill your tank with about $3 USD) From Venezuela you can head to Colombia, then Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, etc.

    8. From Rio you can also head towards Brasilia, and then from there to Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Chile.

    9. The other route is to head south and go towards Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina.

    10. Any of the routes you do will take weeks if not months to complete so you might want to consider an alternative method of transportation.

    Well, if you still insist on the trip then enjoy this adventure that I am certain will be like nothing you have ever experienced.

  2. well, for all south america you should get a 4x4... and it is Bogota, Colombia. That is a nice way to start..good luck, and a big vehicle is great because there are many roads that probably be underconstruction

  3. Good question!

    First: I do not recommend buying or starting a road trip in Columbia.  It is a rough place to drive and limited where you can cross the border. I've traveled in that country and do not endorse your road trip there: good way to get kidnapped for ransom, very frequent for foreigners, or zapped if in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    On vehicles: I would avoid expensive flashy autos even if you are rich: it is a target.  Get a small used 4x4 diesel car or truck. It blends and you can get fuel easier.  If it looks beat up all the better as long as it is in superb mechanical condition.  Get a basic tool set and manual for the vehicle, complete ability to deal with flats, and emergency fuel container, water container, MRE's, and go for it.

    If I had the money to do such a trip, I would start in Argentina rather than Brazil, for logistics, a smooth start, and nifty places to go from there.

    Hey, you are going to have the adventure of your life!

    Go for it.

  4. First thing you need to do is find the visa regulations of South American countries for your nationality, since most will not allow visa-free travel.

    A new Land Rover 4x4 will be excellent for such a trip but you'll need extra fuel tanks and massive supplies since most South American countries do not have well developed highway networks where you can shop at fuel stations for food and water etc.

    Also, you'll need to consider the possibilities of getting waylaid and robbed in some such countries.

    The trip you suggest will cost a fortune and you need to have all those $$$ ready.

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