
I am from Kolkata, India. I will be taking 10 children to Germany for a 6 week visit. Pls help me with infos.?

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We have been invited by a foundation in Germany to go and spend 6 weeks there as a part of a cultural tour. I need information on food, living with families, table manners, weather during september and october, what kind of clothes is requird,etc, etc. Please help me with these infos as I would be taking 10 children from a very challenged background.Its a chance of a life time for them. Thank you in anticipation.

Arnab Basu

Programme Coordinator

New Light

162 Kalighat Road






  1. The major food group in germany is meat (mainly pork); there is normally meat in every meal. German food, to me, is some of the best food in the world. Weather during september and october can range from warm to cold, and most likely rainy so a variety of clothes for warm/cold and rain/shine is recommended (the weather in germany is very unpredictable; one time when I lived there it was in the 40s and rainy one day, and the next 2 days it was in the 80s and sunny). Most germans speak at least enough english to answer questions if the children do not know the language (If any german that looks under the age of 30 says they can't speak english, they are most likely lying).

    The table manners section of this site pretty much covers table manners:

    As for living with families, it's just like living with a family from any country, use proper manners, and follow their rules.

  2. you can visit some sites related to which you need...,you can easily find from sites,,,you should try to visit.........


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