
I am from the US and will be travelling to <span title="Japan/Thailand/Bali/Australia">Japan/Thailand/Bali/Austr...</span> and New Zealand...?

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Will I be able to use my ATM card in all of those places?

It is issued by Fidelity and has the INTERLINK, PLUS, and STAR logos on the back. It is also a VISA

Please don't tell me about fees, I'm aware of all of that. I just want to be sure I can access cash in these countries.

Thank you!




  1. Usually, yes.  it is a good idea to call the customer servicenumberr on your card and ask...and to let them know when and where you will be traveling so they will not think your card has been stolen.

  2. No problems at all!

    Tip 1 - get the overseas caller number from your bank before you leave - most banks have them so that clients can phone from overseas without waiting in long queues

    Tip 2 - tell you bank which countries you&#039;ll be visiting and on what dates so they don&#039;t block your card

    Tip 3 - I always carry a second visa ($500) just in case of emergency and tape it somewhere secure in my luggage - that way if you lose your wallet, you don&#039;t have to wait for emergency or insurance funds to get to you before you can eat or whatever

  3. will be able to operate your ATM card without any difficulty in all these countries.

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