
I am frustrated with my horse!?

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Ok i have a horse named Pep and i just got him a brand new Saxon scrim sheet to help with the flies and i went up to check on him and he had somehow gotten the blanket under himself and stepped on it forming 4 giant holes in the brand new sheet. He is fine, for some reason i got 2 awesome horses who don't spook at anything so he just stood there waiting until i could untangle him, he had only been tangled for like 20 minutes so he didn't hurt himself but i was upset. Does anyone have a story about something annoying, silly, or funny their horse did!?




  1. A few years ago, a couple moved in about 3 farms down from us and set up a horseback riding camp during the summer and they do a march break camp, winter camp, and all that jazz.

    Anyway, about a week ago, one of the campers was horseback riding when she got lost (me and my 2 neighbours all share the forest behind us for hacks) and she ended up on my farm riding a small pony. My horse doesn't like horses he doesn't know, so as soon as he saw this intruder in his land, he threw a fit. He went right up to the fence and threw his head in the air and started shaking it. He started cantering up and down the fence, frustrated he couldn't get to the pony. My computer looks over the pasture, so I looked up from typing and imagine my surprise when I saw my horse terrorizing this girl and her pony! I raced down to the paddock and asked the girl where she had come from, she replied camp, and I knew where she was talking about. I grabbed my dad's percheron cross and rode back with her.

    Sometimes it frustrates me when he's so aggresive, but other times (like that) it's just plain funny.

  2. i once bought a $200 blanket for winter and i put it on my horse and came out less than 24 hours later to find it ripped to shreds with stuffing EVERYWHERE and my horse walking around with what was left of the blanket dangling on him!!!

  3. my horse ran upstairs into my hayloft..

    no all!!!

    he jumped over his gate and

    instead of running out the door

    went up the hayloft,

    we had to build a ramp to get him down.

    heres the video:

  4. Just the other day, after a brief rain shower, my husband, nephew and I were going to go for a ride.  We got 2 horses up and were going to get my white horse when he decided at that very moment to roll in the newly formed mud!

    I was a bit aggravated because he hadn't rolled right after the shower (which he would normally do) so I thought he had decided to stay clean.  Boy was I wrong!

    My oldest horse, Boomerang, likes to take the hose out of the water trough and swing it around using his mouth.  He has sprayed me on more than one occasion!

  5. When I first got my horse Squidge, he had the worlds worst feet! I am married to a farrier, so had every confidence that we could get him sorted. My husband knew this horse from years before, and told me 'no way, this horse grows nothing, we will never get shoes on him!' Well, I nagged him to bits till he relented and I got him to put glue on allys on him. I was sooo happy!! Till I checked him in his paddock 20mins later and hubby had left, he was missing 2 of them straight away! He obviously agreed with my husband after all!

    Good news is that after 6 months of nagging and bankrupting my hubby, my horse had 4 shoes nailed on and was growing more foot than you could shake a big stick at! Thanks to the aspirin! He never ruined a rug either!!  :-))

  6. I bought this weanling Paint colt and that horse nearly gave me a heart attack on several occasions.  He, i don't know how would lay down and i think he was trying to do the Marine crawl and get out underneath the pipe corral.  He would lay there and wait for me to undo the fence and pull it off him.  One morning i went out, thought he was dead, he did not move or wake up, panicked crying like a baby i run up and tell my mom Tex is dead.  Everyone runs down to the corrals, he finally woke up yawned looked at us as if he was say...well are you going to get this thing off me???...UGH we wired his fence so he couldn't get back under...I figured if he did it again someone was going to have to dial 911 for me...Heart attack time.  I couldn't take it again.

  7. my horse is also a mastermind at ruining blankets. We'd just gotten him a nice lightweight blanket for fall. He lives in a pasture with 3 other horses, including his best buddy (a horse named Sadiqua). Well, it hadnt been 3 days in that blanket and i come to see him after school. I walk into the pasture and there he is standing by the gate in his new blanket, thats now hanging down his side, with two gigantic rips. His buddy's blanket was also destroyed. Those two had spent the better part of 3 days trying to rip the blankets off each other. I was kinda pissed, but it was funny at the same time.

  8. When my gelding was younger, he didn't think he should wear sheets/blankets. He would actually reach back and grab the side, then somehow pull it over his head. Ripped the straps off and put holes in several sheets that way and cost me a lot of money in repairs, little stinker! But I love him anyway, quite a character :)

  9. Are you kidding?  Everytime I see my horse I experience something annoying, silly & funny.  That's why I love her so much.  The yawns with the toungue all the way out, the scratch behind the ear with their hind leg, the ear pinning when she doesn't get her way.  I remember trying to load a second horse in the spot next to her in a straight load; we had put grain in the manger to coax the other horse and mine crawled under the partition to get to the grain!  I didn't know they were so nimble.

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