
I am geting a bird and want to have it realy really tame i was thinking a lovebird are they good birds to have

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are the ok to be kept alone? would i be able to tame it so i can take it Everywhere?




  1. ummm if its ur first bird i would seriously recommend a budgie (parakeet) they are very hardy and can be trained very easily if you start from a very young age..lovebirds...well they look nice...but they need some experience..not a lot really...they're just more a budgie if i were u..and they come in many more colours as well

  2. Get a cockatiel they are awsome they talk and are really playful!!!!!!!!

  3. From my past experience with Love Birds if you get two they will bond and not want to be as bonded to you. I would only get one if you wanted it very bonded with you. I would also get it from a breeder who hand plays with it from the beginning.

    You might also want to check out a bird forum such as this one that way you can talk to other bird owners, and bird breeders.

    You can also go here and check out the bird breeder directory and see if there are any bird breeders listed near you.

    Good luck

    I am a mama of 10 sweet birds.

  4. I had love birds and they can be really sweet if you pay ALOT of attention to them. So if you travel alot or dont have alot of time to give up for them I wouldnt get them but if you have some spare time on your hands they'd be pretty fun to have around. And I'm not sure about bringing it around everywhere I never did that when I had them if you want a bird to bring around with you but not a big bird a pocket parrot might be good for you.

  5. i had lovebirds and its better to buy them in a pair. they are beautiful birds but they need alot of attention and are more of a high maintenance bird.

  6. well my friend has a pair. but hers are to scared and i dont

    think theres a chance of them being tamed. im not saying others

    cant.i suggest a green rumped parrotlet. i just got one and hes so sweet. he loves to be outside his cage and just loves to have

    the attention on her [name: kiwi]. i really love her i suggest that.

    and if not then maybe a parrotkeet they are also very sweet

    good luck


  7. I had a Love Bird named Peanut. He would bite, hiss and not let anyone near him. He was never treated badly and was always welcome out of the cage but, he choose to be be mean.

    I also had a Rainbow Lorriceit named Squarkey, he used to dive bomb my Mum.. I dont know much about him because I was only a baby..

    At the moment.. I have a beautiful hand raised Cockateil named Tweety, he is the sweetest little thing and loves companey.. He does fine alone by himself and sqaurks really loud when you come home and doesn't shut up till he get a cuddle.

    Hope I helped..  (Get a parrot, they are extremly smart).

  8. dont get a coccatoo those birds bite and it hurts a lot get a parakeet they are very nice especially the blue sky ones

  9. Lovebirds can make great pets.  As long as you take care of it and play with it for a while each day, it should be great.  

    When you get your lovebird, make sure it's either socialized or hand raised.  Lovebirds can bite pretty hard.

    If you want to take your lovebird outdoors, you need to get a bird harness.  Even a bird with clipped wings can fly away if truly scared.  Here is a link for the bird harness:

    For more lovebird information, go to

  10. just pick up a parrot it's very tame bird and frienly too , i bet u will love it. it can do everything as long as u teach it patiently

  11. Hi,

    I don't think that you would be able to tame a lovebird and i have never known one to be tame before,  but propbably with a bit of stubboness then you could tame it.

    A lovebird would be fine on its own just give it a few things to do and play with.

    One word of warning, lovebirds are very noisey and will screech out which could be a pain if its in the house. Look this is how bad it was i did have some in an aviary outdoors but the neighbours complained so i had to get rid of them they are noisey.

  12. all birds are capable of being tamed..I have bred budgies..They are great to tame but you must have a lot of time for any bird..We are actually getting two barn owls and my friend has experience in bringing them up.This time they have a 4 month old one from being 8 weeks old and i myself have had a huge input in bringing her up...She is so soft and beautiful..And extremely tame.She climbs up your leg when you want a cuddle and she sits on your shoulder and kisses you!!I cant wait to get my own which will be very soon!! Any bird is so rewarding and i wish you loads of luck..but as in a dog..They can live a long time so they are not just for christmas but for life!!!

    Have fun!! You will love it..

    And you can leave them alone so please dont worry about that aspect.

    Good luck!!


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