
I am getting BRACES tomarrow!!!?

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ahh. im a little scared!!

what colors look best. i have red hair blue eyes....and im not really into bright colors which will atract attention toward that area.

but ive heard that light colors change colors because of food/drinks.

also...i have a volleyball game tomarrow && im captain at like 4pm, and i get my braces at 10am. will they hurt really bad??!!

by the way i take pain pretty well. most ppl told me that spacers hurted them but ive had them in for a week and they havent ever hurt really...




  1. Yeah they hurt a little bit, but not as bad as people say they do.All you need to do is take some pain pills before you go and then later on in the day and you'll be perfectly fine. All the colors get stained somewhat, since you don't like bright colors just avoid getting orange, green and colors like that.Good luck!

  2. Yep, braces aren't a walk in the park.

    They will hurt sometimes.

    As for them effecting your volleyball game...I'm not so sure about it, because most of the times when my braces gave me pain, it was when I was eating.

    Hope that helps.

  3. As to the issue of pain, (which is no doubt very much on your mind), it will decrease as you get used to the braces. I'm afraid I can't help you with colors. When I had braces, ---June 1976-March 1977--- only the metallic "train tracks" were available. They hadn't come out with InvisAlign braces just yet.

    Discuss the various options with your orthodontist. You might decide in favor of stainless steel.  

  4. You spelled TOMORROW incorrectly.

    And no, they do not hurt "really bad".  

  5. my fiend just got braces

  6. well if you handle pain fairly well, then you should be fine when you get your braces on. i think they will start hurting later on toward the evening.

    i would get black colors or maybe even red to match your hair color what ever color you want is your choice. it doesnt matter what other people think or say. its your indviduatlity

    good luck at your game

  7. oooo well I had braces for about 4-5 years. They are off now but it was quite the journey!!

    It is VERY true that light colors change with food. So dont get anything too light. (i once got like an "off white" color for my braces so it would be less noticeable, until I ate....they ended up orange by the end of the month)

    I think you will be fine. You will be a little bit uncomfortable with talking and specially eating so be sure to not talk too much the first day and eat soft foods.

    As for your game goes, you will be fine. Even better if you take pain well like you said! If anything take a tylenol and you will be even better for your game!

    Hope this helps!!

    Best wishes and God Bless! :)

  8. i got braces almost a year ago, get the braces with the clear brackets they cost like 300 more but there better, hard to tell, most people thought i was wearing a retainer, brush alot, get a waterpik, flossing is hard to do, if i remember correctly my spacers hurt but only because i bite hard and let go so pressure would hit me hard, but i think my braces didnt hurt the first day but you will feel little pain in the morning or when you eat, it hurts for like 3 days after the tightin them every month but you will get use to it, if you have a overbite or something that needs rubberbands wear them all the time, you get braces of quicer..good luck

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