
I am getting a blue screen that says UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME

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it further says that windows has been shut down to prevent damage to computer. Check to make sure any new hardware or software is installed properly. new updates, etc. goes on about Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. It also says to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart computer and press F8 to select advanced startup Options, and then select Safe Mode. I tried to do that but it went back to the original blue screen. Technical info at end of screen says.. STOP: 0x000000ED (0x81BD77E0, 0XC000009c, etc etc Id appreciate any info




  1. OUCH.....

    i had that.. i recommend saving ur most important documents. files. anything u really need. onto something else before ur computer completely fries...

    if it just happened... u can try turning ur computer on and off and on and off... for like 20-30 times. then maybe it will work... when it does. save ur valuables...

    according to what i've been told. Computer Hard Drives have a life span of average 2-3 years. you either have to get it replaced or reformat ur hard drive. (erase everything and start over)

    even Geek Squad couldnt help me with this and they charged 100 just to look at it...

    so good luck. and hope the frustration doesnt kill u. its almost killed me...

    and i lost all my data from my old computer... god i had alota data...  

  2. The stop error (0x000000ED) means exactly what the error message said - unmountable boot volume. Basically it means that for some reason the filesystem couldn't be mounted and the operating system couldn't be loaded. If you're using Vista, put your install disc in, pick a language and click Repair Your Computer. There should be an option for repairing startup problems (I forget exactly what it's called). If that doesn't fix your problem skip the next section and keep reading.

    If you're using XP, put your install disc in and go into the Recovery Console. Type FIXMBR and hit enter, then type FIXBOOT and hit enter. The type exit and hit enter and your PC should restart. Ignore the "Press any key..." message and wait until it boots to your hard drive. If you're getting the same error, read the next section.

    If you can't fix your problem with the install disc then save yourself a major headache and download the GParted LiveCD ISO. Then use a program like ImgBurn to burn the ISO to a CD. Boot to the GParted CD and shrink your current Windows partition. For XP you'll want to leave about 3-4 GB of empty space; for Vista you'll need about 10 GB. Then format then empty space as NTFS. Right click on the old partition and click Manage Flags, then uncheck the Boot flag. Make sure you apply your changes, then exit and reboot.

    Install a fresh copy of Windows to your new partition you just created and see if you can load Windows now. If you can then you probably had a case of filesystem corruption. If not, you'll have to try reformatting your hard drive and reinstalling. In XP, go into the Recovery Console, or in Vista, go to Repair Your Computer and click the Command Prompt option. Type "format C: /fs:ntfs" (without the quotes) and hit enter. This is going to take a while, so find something to do for the next 45 to 90 minutes. When it's done, install Windows again.

    If you're still getting the same errors after completely reformatting and reinstalling, your hard drive is bad and you'll need to buy a new one.

  3. Could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software. This  problem can be solved by uninstalling new softwares, updating device drivers and making minor configuration changes . From . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from

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