
I am getting a bunny, should i get another one to be its friend?

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I am getting a baby bunny soon and I am planning for it to be an outdoor bunny. My mom thinks I should get two so it wont be lonely and so they can keep each other warm. I also have 2 guineapigs, that are in door guineapigs, could I keep them with my bunny?

Should I get two bunnys?..or...

Should I keep my guineapigs with the bunny?..or..

Just get one bunny and keep it by itself?




  1. dont keep them ur guinea pigs and bunnies together

    if ur gonna get 2 bunnies get 2 females or if u want them to breed get male+female

    well the guinea and bunny may get along but u shouldnt take the risk

  2. Hi i'm Amber and i'm 10 years old.I would get 2 bunnies. Because if it goes with the guinea pigs they may fight!And if you get 1 it will be lonely.Hope i Helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. eather that or you play with t alllllllllllllooooooottttttttttt

  4. Well if you are getting a baby bunny, then depending on how old it is you could get another really young bunny if they are both female and they might get along really well.

    Or, you could get 2 females from that litter instead of 1. If they have lived together for that whole first part of their life, they should get along good if you keep them together. But don't do this with males, they will most definitely fight!

    Some people do keep their rabbits with guinea pigs, I don't think that would be a problem unless if they fight or something.

    If it's gonna be by itself you need to pay a lot of attention to it or it will get very lonely.

    Pretty much 2 females that have lived together since they were very young can usually still live together peacefully, so that would be the way to go if yours is female. Get another female from that litter.

  5. You should probably get two, but if i were you i would keep them indoors.     Bunnies are easy prey to cats, dogs, and birds, all of which will kill them if they see them.  unless you're keeping them in a shed or greenhouse.

  6. You should get two bunnies. Two females are the best and I would get them spayed. Never keep bunnies and guinea pigs together. Sometimes bunnies will kick the guinea pigs and hurt them.

  7. get 2 bunnys

  8. Don't listen to them who say that you have to get two female rabbits.

    Get one male and one female and they can live merrily ever after. Incidentally you can have a flourishing bunny farm soon.

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