
I am getting a bunny, what do I need to get for it?

by  |  earlier

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well, my uncle is giving me his bunny, and he already has a cage, but what else do i need?




  1. hay hay hay! i just took my rabbit to the vet, and the vet said to feed him only hay. don't give your bunny alfalfa! there are too many nutrients, and too much is bad for a rabbit.

    also, don't feed it rabbit food with dried colorful fruits and veggies. just timothy hay pellets. but you don't have to.

    rabbits can have leafy greens, some veggies and fruits, but sparingly, given like a treat.

    bedding, preferibly carefresh, any bedding that isn't wood shavings (they cause respritory illness and even liver disease)

    some toys, mine has puppy toys.

    and some extra cash on hand, just in your bun gets sick unexpectedly

    good luck and have fun!

  2. . cage u have

    . water boddle

    . food dish

    . food

    . alfalfa


    time to spend with it  

  3. Hey

    My website has everything you need to get and know. Good luck with your rabbit!

  4. Food, Baby keys the plast kind, lids to detergent bottles, hay, wooden baby blocks, and cat toy plastic balls!  

  5. Buy some carrots if you dont have any.  My g/f actually used to feed iour bunny grape jam on toast every now and then.

    If it's an older male, give it a little teddy bear about his size.... time our cat climbed into the cage to get at the grape toast...the bunny just stared at him for the longest time, then tried to climb on his butt and do his should have seen the look on the cat when it craned it's neck to see what was going gave a light swat, rabbit backed off to the corner...two mins later and tried again...

  6. Cage, make sure it has a solid floor or the rabbit will get sore hocks.[I recommend building a cage for it, most pet store cages are barely big enough for even a baby dwarf rabbit. ]

    water dish/bottle, my bunny has both.

    Rabbit food.

    Some parrot toys or something for it to chew on to keep its teeth down.

    hay & grass & veggies and stuff.

    Love & a TON of attention :D.

    Oh and if it's a female rabbit, it basicly HAS to be spayed or it'll get cancer. and if it's a male.. well then it's alot easier when he's not agressive and trying to hump everything, so I'd get it neutered.

    Good luck with your new pet. (:

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