
I am getting a lot of flies in my house. Where could the be coming from?

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I am getting a lot of flies in my house. Where could the be coming from?




  1. flies are especially common in the summer because in the winter they die of cold temperatures. also probably coming from trash and leaving doors and windows open.

  2. outside

  3. This site has lots of information.. .

    If you have organic stuff causeing breeding then you can sprinkle it with diatomaceous earth (found at feed stores and more expensively at garden shops)

    You can use sprays ,,,, I use a horse spray BRONCO and spray on back porch area every other day (and spray the dogs too).  It helps some but tons still get in house.

    In the house we use 2 fly strips and that helps, some.

    I hate the fly bag traps, stinky smelly and out in the rural areas don't do good enough job, but they do help.

    HOpe it goes well for you.  Spray down your garbage can too.

  4. Flies breed in rotting organic material and faeces. If you have dogs or cats, and they use your garden as a toilet, make sure you clean up every last dropping. Same goes for their food.

  5. Garbage, trash

  6. Fruit flies maybe?

  7. maggotts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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