
I am getting a rabbit and...?

by  |  earlier

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I am getting a rabbit tomorrow(saturday) and I am having a difficult time finding a cage for it that is affordable. I use to have a cage and threw it out about a month ago, thinking I would never use it again! So with that said, what would be a good recommended size cage for a 6 month old bunny. And where can I get a reasonably cheap one. I have checked all the stores in my area and they arent very reasonable!

BTW...Dont tell me to not get a bunny if I cant afford it.




  1. try pet world because thay have a cage that can fit that size rabbit about the priice of 25.99 i dont no if thats to u but its not to me maybe u can go to a nearby feed store they aslso sell cages there the need alot of room so u have to look for a resanable price and a resonable size to and at pet world they allso have really cheap y

    toys and vitamns hope i helped u ur welcome

  2. Most of the advice you got was pretty good. As for size...

    A small breed (2-5 lbs.) needs at least a 24"x24" cage.

    A medium breed (6-8 lbs.) needs about a 30"x30" cage.

    And anything beyond that needs at least a 30"x30" cage.

  3. Ditto oregano. A puppy x pen or a dog crate is better. But they need several hours of out of cage time daily too.

    Are you adopting? I hope so.

  4. Is this an indoor rabbit?  If so, get a puppy play pen and use that instead of a cage.  You can put it on a piece of linoleum scrap from a flooring store, or build a base for it at home from 2 by 4s and plywood.  You'll see what I'm talking about on a few of them in the second link.  Take a look at these pages about X-pen use and rabbits:

    Add: You can very easily put a top on the pen with some cage clips to attach it, either made out of a second puppy pen or another wire mesh, there should be several options available at any home improvement store.  That should make it cat-safe.  Just make sure to leave one end panel not attached to the top, so it can swing open as a door.

    Add2: If your cats having access to a topless pen is an issue, how are you planning on providing the 3-4 hours minimum of out of cage exercise your rabbit needs to be healthy and happy every day?


    scroll down, the site has manymany DIY rabbit hutch/cage links.

    Notice similarites between each links.

    Sturdy chicken wire, for ventilation and cleansliness, some area of flooring atleast solid to prevent things like sore hocks, etc. And rabbits need a cubby to hide, too.

    I am getting a rabbit tomorrow, too, I show an english lop in 4-H and want to get another to show and possibly breed, and i can tell you rabbits -are- expensive, and hard work depending on your schedule. The food is pricey (mostly for larger rabbits) and you have to pay attention that they get a nice diet, grass, veggies, fruit, only the things they can eat.  ..treat it as well as a show rabbit even if it isn't. I am wondering what is your defintion for affordable/your price range? All my rabbit cages I built with my grandpa, Myabe if you may know some one who does woodcrafts who could help you out. Rabbit hutches arn't some work of art like a rocking horse or anything.

    Also on placement of the hutch for outside, make it -all- in sahde, or your rabbits fur will sunburn and fade. and in the winter you will be checking the water many times a day, and supplying plenty of good bedding like hay.

    and you'll have to keep up on clipping nails and making sure the teeth don't overgrow.

    Just keep in mind the repsonibilty is more than just -knowing- what to do, but also acting on it.

    also...considering joining's awesome and i've learned soo much.

  6. I am going to tell you not to get a bunny if you aren't going to get 2. They need companions.

    Anyways, go to

    You need to get the absolute biggest you can and give plenty of running time.

    Also look up some of the websites on making your own. They actually have some really good cheap instructions sometimes.

    Look on and as well.

    Avoid any sort of wooden hutch though because the urine gets in them and the rabbits can pretty well eat them.

  7. Do not get 2 rabbits. They fight with each other. Rabbits are very sociable with people though and do not need to be in cages. Keep your bunny in the bathroom or a room he can have for his own (he will bite through any wood and scratch so be warned)

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