
I am getting a small dog what types are really lovable and cute?

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  1. I own a Miniature Dachshund and they are super cute, easy to groom and very loyal. I also own 2 Pembroke Welsh Corgi's. They shed A LOT though! Around 25lbs, but awesome dogs!


    sweetest, cutest, non biting dogs in the world.

    they shed a lot though. but they're so sweet!

    i have two.

  3. start learning

    Cute and REALLY lovable are not what you should care about first and foremost. You need a dog who will fit your lifestyle and only you can figure it out not us.

  4. Tiny poodle. Easy to groom, Easy to train. Cute. Smart.

  5. Please, do yourself a huge favor and spend a little bit of time on  They have a lot of information on each breed of dog, their temperment, their exercise and grooming requirements, energy level, etc.  They even have a breed quiz you can take to find out which breed is right for you!!  There's a lot more to a choosing a dog than "loveable and cute."  

  6. Miniature Dachshund - I have two little guys! One is short haired and the other long haired with blue eyes. They are adorable, sweet, smart, loyal - You can see I love my dogs and think they are a great breed.

  7. French poodle,mini toys & chihuahuas. i hope i helped.

  8. I personally think that ALL dogs are cute and lovable so I can not help you with that. What I can do is give you the site to small dog breeds with pictures.Terriers like to dig.Most small dogs like to bark.Just a heads up for ya.If you see a bad picture on this site,and you are sure they could be beautiful,look that dog breed up.Most of that pictures on this site are horrible by the way so don't get bummed if it were perfect except for the fact that it looks like a fuzz ball.

    and here was a test someone reccomended for helps a bunch.

  9. I have two maltese poodles. Very cute, very loving and they don't shed!

  10. I work have had the opportunity to meet a few of those dogs like you saw in the movie Men in Black, and I was really impressed by

    how lovable each one was.  

  11. i own a little shih tzu whos SUPER awesome and cute. his name is mufasa. hes a lap dog, dosen't eat too much, and has lots of energy, but will calm down and just hang out by your side when you don't want to play or your tired. some of my friends have dogs that are the same breed as he is and they have similar habbits, sittin in your lap loved to be held, dosnt eat alot etc. and when you see pictures of them, you see the long hair but you can keep it as a puppy cut so he always looks like a puppy! they also get along with my sisters kitty, and other dogs he meets, like if we go to petco/petsmart where other dogs are there, he loves to say hi and play! shih tzus 100,000,000,000,000% and also if it matters they don't shed at all

  12. A Bichon Frise for sure.  Had to put my baby down in April of this year.  Didn't think i was ready for another dog but my friend surprised me with a Bichon Pup 3 weeks ago.  I really love this breed.  They are highly intelligent, easy to train, soooooooooooo affectionate & always trying to please you.  For the most part they are not prone to many illnesses or conditions that the larger breeds are. My Bichon is also great with other pets.  I have a family of 3 cats, a 4ft. Iguana that takes her daily stroll through the kitchen w/o any problem and had a Boxer that i just had to put down.  Hope i helped you out with your decision.  Glad your doing your homework before you decide on making a life-long commitment.  If you do chose to get a Bichon,

    i guarantee that you won't be disappointed.

  13. rat terriers they are soo smart and adorable!

  14. I think cavalier king charles spaniel, they are lovely dogs, used to have two. they are cute as puppies and when older.

    hope this helps

  15. you need to  figure out  what kind of dog you have time for  and what you can afford.

    can you  afford to get them groomed every month? can you afford to feed a small, medium or a large dog?  what size  yard  / park do you have access too?  how much time  will you have to exercise the dog?  do you live in  an apartment or a house ?  do you have small children or do you have older children?  do  you have other pets ?  are you willing to  pay for  behavioral training? can you afford to pay for it ?

    after you figure that out  it is just about what you  want after that...

    check out this  site it is very informative about all the prue , mixed breed of dogs.  you can also  go to  your local shelter and they will help you find a dog that will be  a good match for you .

  16. Well, i think big dogs are cute but...

    Pugs(I have one! no i do not have a Great Dane and the Pug is actually my moms):

    Shih Tzu''s:

    Border Terriers:

    I love those types of small dogs :D

  17. Shitzues (sp?) they are super cute, i have a tri colored one and he doesn't shed and they are easy to train

  18. papillon

  19. keep in mind if you get a long haired dog you WILL need to have it groomed regularly.  

  20. Chihuahua's.

    If you raise a Chi from puppy-hood, (s)he'll be the best friend you've ever had. And, unlike Maltese & Yorkies, Chi's generally have short hair, easy to keep clean.

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