
I am getting a sun conure what is a good name diets care tips etc etc etc......?????

by Guest62830  |  earlier

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I thought of some good names like sunkist skittles sunset. i know not to feed them avocado iceberg lettuce celery parsley but i would like to know other things.




  1. I hope you like noisy birds and I hope you live in a house with noise-tolerant people -- otherwise, you're in for a lifetime of aggravation. You're about to get one of THE noisiest birds you could possibly get -- and I'm talking SHRILL noise that will make your eardrums bleed.

  2. they are capable of tlaking and screaming. names: sunshine, sunny, cuddles, mango, cenika

    they need big cage, lots of toys timeout of the cage daily and lots of love :)

  3. They are loud birds.

    I would recommend a non-colour dyed pelleted diet.  Feed fresh veggies everyday (carrots are good, but keep variety).

    Make sure that the have at least 3 hours out of the cage everyday and lots of interaction with you.

    Provide proper sized toys for fun, and especially for amusement when you are not home.

    Check out these sites

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