
I am getting a tattoo, and I want to have some Italian words done. Can anyone that speaks Italian translate?

by  |  earlier

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I can find some sites that do it for you, but you can never be too sure. Can you translate "Live like brothers, or die as beasts" for me?




  1. vivere come fratelli o morire come bestie

    In the Romance languages, many mottoes or slogans are in the infinitive form, not the command form as in English.

    E. g., mangiare per vivere, non vivere per mangiare

  2. vivete come fratelli o morite come bestie

  3. mmmm..... I think: in vita come fratelli o in morte come bestie.

    ...maybe both are correct.

  4. Wow that's an awesome quote!

    It would be something like this, I think...

    "Viva come fratelli o muoia come bestie."

    Get a second opinion first!!!!

  5. "Vivete come fratelli,o morite da bestie"

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