
I am getting a ten gallon fish tank, what type of fish should I get?

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I am looking for colorful, fun, hardy fish. If you know any good sites about fish, that would be good. I am also looking for some great fish aquarium themes. The person who gives me the most useful info, will be chosen as the winner.




  1. small ones.....

  2. either koi or ghostfish there th bst and they luk nice 2

  3. no goldfish. super messy. get a betta fish, just 1 though because they fight with other fish. there easy to maintain and u should have many bettas at your pet store in single little plastic bolws, pick 1 and get the pellets food and feed em 3 or 4 little tiny balls a day. and hook him up with some plants in stuff. ask people at the pet store.

  4. try a rock theme type. guppies and mollies are best  community fishes.  try different colors to spice up the tank. some neon tetras won't hurt either. you can put in a lot of them in a 10 gallon tank since they're small and will look good in a bright background.

  5. get a goldfish only if you have plans on upgrading to a 30-40 gallon tank in goldfish otherwise...hmm..colorful fun fish for 10 about dwarf gouramis...honey or powdered blue..very pretty fish...and you can have a school of 5-6 cardinal/neon can also ad 3-4 shrimps..

    With this same setup you could replace the gourami with a betta...dont keep betta and gourami together..they are cousins and they will fight..

    10 gallon...dalmatian mollies..guppies..tetras..corys..platy..... of options in sure to get a heater and yeah please dont overstock..a total of small 7-8 fish should be really ok...dont go beyond that..

  6. Small ones, and not too many.  If you get tropicals, don't get goldfish, as the goldfish make the water too acidic for the tropicals.

    Also look to see if the tropicals are agressive or schooling, because some agressives will kill other agressives and passives.

    Or just get goldfish.

    Good luck.

  7. Parana  lol no   just get some guppy  angelfish are pretty

  8. Long Fin Rosy Barbs. From a distance they look like really colorful mini comet goldfish sorta. I have a pair in a 10 gallon with some red flint gravel, two water wisteria plants and some java moss.  Looks like a mini jungle.

  9. goldfish are really good pets to have and u should have like a beach theme or even a color theme like green or pink. Goldfish are not messy i have 2 and they eat everything on the ground that leaves my tank very neat and clean!! If u get other fish with the goldfish u need to get a filter too..

  10. Don't get goldfish. They will outgrow your tank. The rule is 1 inch of full grown fish per gallon of water that your tank can hold. I would suggest some mollies, platys, and/or guppies. You could also have some dwarf gouramis.

  11. i strongly recommend a school of tetras or white cloud mountain minnows. i have 3 blood-fin tetras, and 6 w.c.m.m.s, both are very hardy, and completely peaceful. i might watch out for neon or cardinal tetras though, they are more susceptible to disease and stay under an inch long. white clouds, especially the golden variety,are quite stunning.

    tetras are very comon fish in stores, as are white clouds.

    (all tetras and white clouds are schooling fishes so for their sake, keep them in a group, they get really stressed out otherwise)

  12. Guppys.... Southern Platys...Swordfish....Discus....Koi...

  13. In my sources, I'll leave you a link to a awesome fish site.

    I suggest getting some tetras or zebra danios. They are both schooling fish. Tetras come in many different varieties, my personal favorite is the head and tail light tetra. Most different tetra varieties can be mixed together, and a lot will school together aswell. They are active little fish!

    For a theme, I suggest a beach theme. You can get a filter that is sand-safe, and choose a color sand you want for your ocean floor. On top of the sand you can add shells, and a snail or two (I prefer mystery snails to all others). You can get plants that look like sea plants, whether they are live or fake, fake plants come in more of a selection, but live plants help keep a good, balanced aquarium. You could also by some fake-coral looking pieces and make a reef along the back of your aquarium. With the beach/under water theme, you can really do what you want and its easy to do! They even have treasure chests that you hook up to a simple aerater and onces its underwater, the air opens the chest!

    Please though, if you want to have a variety of fish, don't get a goldfish. Goldfish can only be kept with other goldfish or koi, and a 10 gallon will only hold 1 goldfish (and no koi, as they get REALLY big!). Plus, goldfish are very dirty, as in, they produce a lot of waste which will call for a really strong filter and frequent water changes (I have a 10 gallon with 1 goldish in it)

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