
I am getting a turtle and need money. What do you think I can do for my parents?

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I am getting a red eared slider. I have the water heater (if needed) and the UV/UVB lamp and light, a 40gallon rectangle tank, a food bowl, a log, some plants, and a tank lid. I need $65 to get the rest of the things. I need some jobs to make the money from my parents. I work for them and I get money. I can mow the lawn (a LOT of lawn we have) for around what I hope is between $15 and $20. $18 is my best bet. I can read (time consuming) and clean (okayish). My dad pays more than my mom does. What are some jobs that I can ask my dad to give me around outside besides weeding because my mom does that and doesn't pay well that I can ask for? We also have a garage and I may be able to help him with working with that. I think I could sweep and mop it, because it is dirty and easy.




  1. I think that offer to mow the lawn for them that would work.  Have you ever asked them what else they were thinking that you could do to help out around the house?  I bet that if you let them know that you have a goal in mind, they will be more apt to helping you reach your goal and they would be able to come up with more jobs that you could do.  Also, I don't know where you live, but I know that in some states those turtles are illegal to own.  Just an FYI :)

  2. How about having the turtle earn his keep?  You could get a loan from your parents, teach him tricks, and he could be a show turtle who would not only pay back the loan, but be the key to millions!

  3. Why restrict yourself?  If it's cool with your parents, what about doing chores for the neighbors to make some money?

  4. With your mom look at some of the things that she doesn't like to do, like dishes or sorting laundry, she might pay better. Also, just ask and make a list that can be checked off when completed.    But be careful with turtles, they are carries for high amounts of salmonella, which is very dangerous for someone your age, so always wash your hands! Good luck.

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