
I am getting braces, tuesday, july 29th, does it hurt? and what do they do????? Im kinda freaked out?

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anything will help, just please dont say, IT HURTS LIKE h**l, that makes me feel even worse. thanks :)




  1. Some kids can't wait to get braces. Others are a little worried about what it will be like or how they will look. It can help to learn more about braces, which straighten your teeth and make your smile even better looking.

    Lots of kids don't have perfect teeth, so don't worry if yours aren't straight. Take a look at most of your classmates. Many of them probably don't have straight teeth either. Sometimes teeth just don't grow in evenly.

    Your teeth might be crooked, or your upper and lower jaws might not be the same size. If your upper jaw is bigger than your lower jaw, that's called an overbite. If your lower jaw is bigger than your upper jaw, you have an underbite.

    Either way it's called malocclusion (say: mal-uh-kloo-zhun), a word that comes from Latin and means "bad bite." Malocclusion is just a word that dentists use to describe the shape of your mouth.

    If your parents had braces, you may have seen pictures of them with their mouths full of metal. Today, braces are much less noticeable. Metal braces are still used, but you might be able to get clear braces or braces that are the same color as your teeth. There are even braces that go behind your teeth where no one can see them.

    The wires that are used in braces today are also smaller and better than they used to be, and they're made of a space-age material that straightens your teeth faster and easier.

    Braces straighten teeth by putting steady pressure on your teeth and by staying in place for a certain amount of time. Most kids just need regular braces with wires and rubber bands doing their jobs to keep pressure on the teeth. The wires on your braces help to move your teeth, and the rubber bands help to correct the alignment ,the way your teeth line up.

    If your teeth need a little extra help, you may have to wear head or neck gear with wires attached to your teeth. If you do have to wear headgear, don't panic! You probably will only have to wear it at night or when you're at home in the evening.

    Everyone has to wear braces for different lengths of time, but most people usually wear braces for about 2 years. You'll want to take special care of your teeth after the braces come off.

    Here are some guidelines for care of your teeth, braces and other appliances during treatment.

    Inspecting Your Braces

    Cleaning Your Teeth

    Eating Correctly

    Forbidden Foods

    Wearing Your Elastics

    Changing Your Elastics

    Inspecting Your Braces

    Once a week, carefully check your braces for loose, bent and broken parts.  At the same time, make sure you have enough rubber bands to last you until your next appointment. they'll mail replacements to you, or you may pick up a fresh supply at either of their offices.

    Cleaning Your Teeth

    There’s no doubt that braces make it harder to keep your teeth clean. Food gets stuck inside brackets and between teeth, so if you’re not extra careful, plaque will form on your teeth. Plaque can cause decay, gum disease and discoloration. The only way to remove food residue and plaque is by brushing properly after every meal and flossing daily.

    I recommend you use a soft toothbrush to brush in small circles above and below each bracket. Keep extra toothbrushes on hand to replace yours whenever the bristles become frayed. An electric toothbrush is an excellent tool, as is a Waterpik used in conjunction with a toothbrush.

    There is no substitute for flossing to dislodge plaque and food particles between your teeth and below your gum line. Reusable floss threaders can help you get the floss over and around brackets and wires.

    Eating Correctly

    they realy on you to use common sense about the foods you eat while you are wearing braces so that your treatment stays on schedule. Hard, chewy and sticky foods may bend or break your brackets or wires or pull the cement loose, so stay away from them. By the same token, biting your nails and chewing on pens and pencils are bad for your braces. Choose good nourishing food to build strong bones and gums and healthy, cavity-free teeth. Never fear…you won’t starve. We will share ideas with you about many foods you can eat.

    Forbidden Foods

    Hard candy



    Hard bread crusts

    Pizza crust

    Hard nuts


    Tortilla chips

    Corn Nuts



    Corn on the cob

    Dried fruit

    Cut these into bite-sized pieces:



    Raw carrots

    Raw celery

    Avoid chewing:




    Be aware of the hidden sugar in:




    Sugared cereals

    Breakfast rolls




    Brush your teeth immediately after eating sweets. If you are unable to brush, rinse your mouth with water.

    Wearing Your Elastics (Rubber Bands)

    Elastics create the gentle force that moves your teeth into alignment, so you must wear them at all times to keep the force constant, and change them several times a day so they don’t lose elasticity. The brackets and hooks on your teeth are only there to hold the elastics, so if you don’t wear them as instructed, your treatment plan won’t work.

    The only time you may take off your elastics is when you eat or brush your teeth. Replace them immediately.

  2. It doesn't hurt AT ALL when you get them. But about 1-2 hours after you get them your teeth will start to hurt. They will be sore and hurt for about a week at the most. I suggest you eat REALLY soft foods such as:





    ice cream

    mac and cheese


    string beans and etc....

  3. Sorry. But it does hurt. Getting the braces put on is relatively painless. That shouldn't hurt. It's afterwards that hurts. I remember when I got braces, I was in so much pain for the 6 weeks after they were put on (your time might vary).

    I could not eat hard food. I had a hard time chewing most everything. I ate a lot of soup and lost a good deal of weight. After 6 weeks the pain went down to a minimal level and I could eat normally again. Oh and brushing sucked.

    Despite the pain, braces are good in the long time. They will correct your teeth, make them easier to brush and make your smile better and nicer than without.  It's better that you do it now. I got braces in my 20s. I wish I had got them earlier. Take the pain now and get it over with.

  4. It doesnt hurt at all.

    It just gets really uncomfortable and your mouth will have to get used to them

    just take really good care of them

  5. to straight your teeth you have to do that and it does not hurts at all after while. but you have to ware the Brace almost for a year depending on your teeth condition.

    If you don't do that, all your teeth becoming out of its place and cause very very ugly looking set of teeth.

    So, good luck and the pain will go away.

  6. HI!!! Well....I'm happy to say that getting braces, the actual getting them on wont hurt, AT ALL, but once you go home, and lets 2-3 hours later, you will begin to feel pressure, but by the end of the day, you will begin to feel a lot of discomfort, I recommend eating soft foods, like soups, mashed potatoes, stuff like that. then by the end of the week, or even at the weekend, it should stop hurting, and you will get used to them. Good luck!!!

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