
I am getting braces monday 8-11-08 just top teeth

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will it hurt and and will it be easy to eat and how long will it take and is it hard to talk




  1. No, it doesn't hurt when they put them on. After a few hours they will be uncomfortable and definitely sore.. for a few days. I have a mouth full of braces right now, and it's no different to talk. It depends on how bad your teeth are, I've known some people to have their braces on to 8months-6yrs. It all depends on how bad your teeth are & if you're doing what you're supposed to be doing. Breaking your brackets, not putting your rubberbands on (only for an overbite/underbite), will cost you more time. You'll want to stick to soft foods after the soreness kicks in, so anything mushy and with minimal chewing is fine. It won't be as bad because you're not getting all of the braces on yet. Make sure you take painkillers (Ibuprofen, Advil, etc) before the appointment and after the appointment so you can be one step ahead of the soreness before it happends. You might want to eat before or after the appointment, too!

    Good Luck.  

  2. The braces will not hurt going in. Things may feel a little tight in your mouth, but no pain (yet). ;)  If for some reason you are in pain, Tylenol should do the trick.

    It won't be easy to eat at first just because your mouth isn't used to the rough surface of the brackets. Milkshakes, soup and mashed potatoes are your friend. Any other foods will get stuck in between the brackets and that's just a pain to brush out.

    How long the treatment will take depends on how bad off your teeth and bite are. Typically it takes between 1 1/2 - 3 yrs.

    Its not that hard to talk, it just takes practice. The more you talk the easier it gets to adjust to the braces.

    Good luck!

  3. Sorry to say, you will have one heck of a headache and your teeth will start to move rapidly, so your gums will hurt/itch/feel weird like crazy the first day or two. Take some advil or your pain reliever of choice when you get home. That will dull some of the pain the first night so you can sleep.

    Be sure to get lots of wax from your orthodontist. Put it on your brackets and wires as soon as your inner cheeks/lips get sore. The earlier you do this the better. You might want to do this even the first night if your orthodontist tells you to. (BTW - do Everything he/she tells you - I'm pretty sure they've seen everything!)

    Another thing is that you will be best pals with the toothbrush! They should teach you how to brush around them and how to remove anything stuck in the wires.

    Start by eating soft stuff just to get used to the brackets and wires. Stay away from hard corn chips and carrot sticks. (I've popped a couple of brackets that way - not good!)

    Your orthodontist will tell you how long you'll need to wear them. The fun part about getting the wires changed is picking out what color of bands you get! :-)

    It will be ok. Lots of people get braces every day. The better you take care of them, the sooner you'll be able to get them off!

    Good luck! :-)

  4. No, it doesn't "hurt".  It's a certain "tightness" and "soreness" that you will feel.  Usually, this feeling lasts for about 3 days to a week for slightly unaligned teeth and at most 2 weeks for extremely crooked teeth.  

    For the first few days, I highly recommend eating something soft, like mashed potatoes, or soup.  Cold foods will help ease the "pain".  Please refrain from chewing on the end of pencils/pens and ice.  Foods like apples should be cut into slices/diced.  Carrots are supposed to be cooked.  Broccoli is highly discouraged along with popcorn.  There is nothing wrong with popcorn, but the outer shell of the kernel might become lodged either between your gum and teeth or somewhere along your braces, making it extremely hard to clean out.  Gum is discouraged because it is sweet [so sugarless gum is better] however, orthodontists are afraid that the gum might pull the brackets off.  

    How long this process will last depends entirely on the alignment of your teeth and how you take care of them.  Brush every day.  Edge the toothbrush along the top of your teeth, then the bottom.  Make sure to get the inside and the "chewing part".  Then lightly brush the brackets, do not use too much force.  Flossing is highly recommended.  Your orthodontist should give you a kit that contains materials you would need to clean your teeth and information on how to take care of your braces and what to eat.  There should be a plastic needle in the kit in which you will poke floss through, and floss your teeth with.  As for how long it will last, most people have braces for around 2 years.  I've had mine for about 1 year, and my friend had them for 3 years.  Rarely, very rarely will someone have braces for more than 3 years.  If you follow instructions and take care of your teeth and braces, the rest depends on the original alignment of your teeth.  My teeth weren't that bad to start off with, so 1 year was sufficient.  

    It's not hard to talk.  I've noticed that people with braces prounounce their "f" and "s" a little differently, but it's nothing major.  It's not really noticeable.

    Good luck!!

    I hope this helped a bit.  

  5. It will hurt at first, but just for a few days.  You can take tylenol or something to help with the pain.  It shouldn't interfere with talking or eating, although food might get stuck in your braces, so check the mirror after you eat.

  6. it won't hurt much... just a little discomfort.

    and rubbing. it will take around 40 min. since your only getting your tops.                                  If you were getting top and bottom it would take 1 hour.

    Eating is ok but be careful of what u eat. Soft food~ and ONLY sugar FREE gum.

    Talking is ok.. u will be fine! good luck

  7. My son's braces took 1 1/2 hours for the top and 1 1/2 hours for the bottom, he got them on two different days. The orthodontist wasn't working on him the whole time, a lot of time is taken up deciding on what size the brackets should be and they're probably doing other kids at the same time. You might be able to listen to an ipod during that time.

    I gave my son kids tylenol 20 minutes before the appointments, just in case of pain. Ask your mom about that. It depends on what they're doing to you as to how painful it might be, but most kids I know with braces didn't have a bad time at all.

    The braces really didn't hurt my son, it's been 3 weeks and so far no problems. He ate McD's french fries on the way home from getting his braces in, but we had a lot of soft foods for him -- get yogurt, applesauce, oatmeal, mac n cheese, etc. He had no problem talking. He did feel a little rubbing, so he used some dental wax (they'll give it to you) but he hasn't had a sore and hasn't used wax recently. He mostly felt a little pressure the first days, but it wasn't really painful.

    If you're getting colored bands, you can check out the colors here, usually they let you have 2 band colors. Click on the color, then the location:

    Good luck!

  8. It will probably hurt. Mine hurt a lot for about three days after getting them on. I could only really eat yogurt and drink for that time. If you're only getting braces, you probably won't have a terrible time talking. It's really not so bad after a while, you'll get used to it all. Good luck!

  9. ok it will hurt a little but it will go away you just have to be patient.

    it wont be easy to eat the first few days. but after about three days you get the hang of it. you need to eat really soft foods like i ate noodles,ice cream, soft meat, cheese, and for breakfast i ate french toast sticks.

    it is not hard to talk but it will feel different.

    i dont mean to scare you but if you have an overbite and get bands (like i did) there is a part in the bands that is going to kinda pick at the side of your mouth the first three days or so. but believe me, after like the first week, its going to feel like its not even there.

  10. It will only hurt for a few days or so. Depends on the person. Mine didn't really hurt, but they just made my teeth sensitive. I couldn't chew a lot of foods for a week which made me stick to soft things. It takes a little while to get used to, but after about 2 weeks I was completey fine with wearing mine. You obviously know they're in your mouth, but don't really care. It's not hard to talk, and they don't take that long to put on. Keeping them on though, depends on how badly your teeth are crooked or whatever.

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