
I am getting braces?

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Soo...I am getting braces and I don't know what to expect. I am prob. asking a lot of questions, but I would appreciate it if you give me an honest answer.

What do they do to you when your sitting in the chair?

What are ulsers and what do they look like?

Can you eat meat without have chunks of it in your mouth?

Can you still eat candy even thought you don't chew it?

When they apply your braces are you in a room by yourself or with everyone else?

Why don't they apply both braces(top and bottom) at the same time?

thanks = ]




  1. 1. Well  I dont know how to explain it, they put them on i guess. sorry i can answer this one very good.

    2. Sorry i dont know what they are either.

    3. For the first few days, no probably not, b/c it will hurt to chew. But after it hurts, well i dont get that much food caught in my top braces but i just got bottom yesterday and more food gets caught in the bottom then the top, but its not big chunks.

    4. Yeah you can still eat it. {they tell you not to though (: }

    5. Well at my ortho. your in a room with everyone else.

    6. They do for some people, but for other im not sure. They did the top first for me and I had them for a few months, and just yesterday i got the bottoms, so im not sure.

    Good luck!

  2. 1) they basically polish ur teeth, then apply the brackets then the wires and then ther apply those colord bands(ur choice) around ur brackets to hold the wire pain involved piece of cake>

    2)ulcers are white sores and can sometimes be painful but just wash ur mouth out with Peroxcl or a peroxide water blend.

    3)it depends if the meat is really tough then sometimes it gets stuck if its tender its usually not a problem.

    4)im not sure to be honest......i wouldn't try it..b/c all the clanking around could break off brackets....ask ur orthodontist.

    5)well in my orthodontist office they have two rooms to which ur alone and one room where there can be at least two paitience in at once so it depends i guess.

    6)b/c if they did ur mouth would be very they apply them one at a time to make it easier on you..........b/c they do get pretty sore and they stay sore for about 3 days but take some ibuprofen and you'll be fine.

    hope i helped..............good luck!!
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