
I am getting loads of college emails and letters, what should I do with them?

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I started getting them in the middle of sophomore year in highschool and now I am an upcoming junior in late august. These letters and emails are overwhelming. I have deleted over 250 college emails and I have over 60 letters in a box in my room. Would they consider not responding to these emails a detterant to my chance at getting a position in some of these colleges?




  1. RECYCLE...sophomore and even the beginning of junior year is too early to worry about that stuff

  2. No, I don't believe your response or lack thereof to these messages will impact your chance to get into them.

    I suggest you start a simple sorting routine and apply it to each letter or email as soon as you get it. You don't want to throw away anything just yet, but you can start two piles (folders for email): "Not Interested" and "Interested In", or "In-State" and "Out-of-State". Something simple so you don't even have to open their mailings.

    Best of luck!

  3. Keep any material for schools that you might be interested in and throw the rest out.  They likely won't care if you don't write back.  In all likelihood it was an automated letter to you because you took the PSAT anyway.

  4. No. They probably sent them to you because you didn't un-check a box when you took your SATs or something. Sort out what you're interested in, but because it's still too early to apply, I would just stick them in the paper recycling bin.

  5. They send them to let you know about their school and try to recruit.  A response is not expected!  I found about a school I considered via their mailings.  Just make sure you keep your eyes and ears open about the schools you may want to attend.  I highly suggest doing their early application processes to increase your chance of acceptance.

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