
I am getting married in 15 weeks and I am panicking...?

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that I'm not going to have it planned in time. I'm stressing that much that I've got anxiety. I've got the reception booked but we haven't finalised the menu or anything. We have a venue, a celebrant and a photographer. My mother in law to be is making the dresses including mine. Can anyone give me a checklist of things I need to do?




  1. Yes, we all love The Knot

  2. Go to The Knot.  They have the best checklists.  

    Calm down - it will all get finished!

  3. Exactly go to the knot Im getting married in 3 weeks and The knot is very helpful and Im not stressing at all of course I want the day to go smooth but my main thing is being is wife, having a beautiful honeymoon and happy marriage.Trust me you will be fine ,just relax and focus on each other not things going wrong. When you panic I think thats when things go wrong because you will forget small things like your garter or favorite toasting flutes you order but you will be fine and congratulations.

  4. gives a detailed list of to-dos... all you have to do is put in your date and they'll give you a list..

  5. Take a deep breath.  Pick up this month's issue of Modern Bride.  On page 283, there's a checklist.  

    Calm down.  Everything will get worked out.  See a doctor about getting some temporary anxiety medications.  Seriously.

  6. That is quite normal; excitement, panic, anxiety, imaginations, plans, lot of work, etc., etc.,

  7. eat a toaster waffle and take some deep breaths it'll make u feel better!!

  8. I recommend because they have many checklists that are very helpful!! Good Luck, and try not to stress too much!!

  9. Let me ask; do you have a best friend or sister that can help you stay on task? That should be the 1st thing on your list (have someone to help you stay calm)

    First thing Monday morning; march on over to the venue and finalize your menu.

    You didn't mention what was or wasn't finished...check out for a check list.

  10. Congratulations! Having planned and executed my own wedding less than a year ago with virtually no help I understand how overwhelming and intimidating a task this can be - but trust me, it can be done.

    The first thing you need to do is take a moment to relax. The wedding is coming, sure, but people tend to put more thought and planning into the wedding itself than into the actual marriage. The ceremony will be here before you know it, and all too soon will become nothing more than a memory, so think about that for just a moment, and gain some perspective.

    Having said that, it is, of course, every girl's dream to have a fabulous wedding. There's no denying that there is lots to be done. Here is a really great checklist:

    Also, someone had the fantastic idea of creating a virtual wedding planner. It does require registration in order to save your details, but it is free, quick, and very simple to use.

    Once again, CONGRATULATIONS!! Enjoy your day, and try to remember the most important detail - creating a wonderful marriage! :)

  11. Don't panic. The good news is you've got the groom and you've got the celebrant, so the actually marriage will happen.

    Sit down and write lists of all the things you need and all the steps to meeting those requirements. Then work out when you need to have them completed and go from there.

    Do try to delegate if you can.


  12. Relax,

    My wedding is in 6 weeks and I am stressed out. But seriously, the closer you get to the wedding, the more you will see it comes together. Try the

  13. Hun go to THEKNOT.COM it has tons of checklist. I'm getting married in 7 days and well just relax! What you imagine it to be like won't, sorry to burst your bubble my sister burst mine too. Stuff will go wrong and problems will come up but just go with the flow and enjoy your time with everyone! I'm freaking out too but everything will be fine!

  14. is a great source, so it

    Best wishes to you.

  15. He is a good website for any advice you may need if you an Australia. Hope that helps you.

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