
I am getting married to a lady in the netherlands and i want to stay more than the ninety days i got how do i?

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and we can't get married right away




  1. My Dutch boyfriend and I are dealing with a similar situation.  The Dutch Embassy told me that there is no way to stay past the 90 days if the paperwork for your residence permit is still pending but when my boyfriend spoke to the IND officials they are saying that they put a special sticker on your passport which will allow you to stay in the country while the paperwork is processing and that you actually aren't allowed to leave while the paperwork is in process.  As you have probably figured it is a frustrating process when you cannot get a straight answer.

    A couple of websites I have found useful are:

    Good luck!

  2. Request permanent stay allowance at the dutch embassy, but before you depart. Otherwise you have to go back to your country and re-submit your request.

  3. If you mean that you want to stay indefinately, then you will need to apply for a family reunification visa either as a "fiancee/partner" or a "husband/wife" - the rights are the same if you can prove your relationship

    With this kind of visa, it is a minefield and really important that you read up and get it right as the procedure is applied very strictly and usually requires you to apply from your home country

    Therefore I would strongly recommend you to contact your local Dutch embassy and not rely on info from Y!A in this case as it is very specific and important that you get it right.  Telling an immigration staff member that "someone on Yahoo answers said" is not going to hold any weight, and unless it is sourced & cited info, could be wrong for you and your personal situation.  

    At the same time, your fiancee should check the Dutch Immigration site (in Dutch as the info there is a lot more detailed in Dutch than it is in English)

    Best of luck to you both

  4. When I came, i entered the country as a tourist and then was required to register with the immigration police within 3 days in the city my (now) husband lives in. We were required to hand in paperwork to apply for the residence permit. You will need to talk to an official to see what paperwork is now required. I remember that I needed an official birth certificate that had what is called an Apostile stamp and also a certificate saying i wasn't married to anyone, also with a stamp. He was required to have a copy of his work contract to prove he had a job and the income to support my visa and had to write a letter stating we were in an exclusive relationship and he would take care of my welfare.  Depending on what country you are coming from, you might also be required to complete an integration program in your own country before you can get the visa to move to NL.

    But make sure to call all the officials, and do it twice. They like to send you home for more papers and then say you are missing some other ones when you come back.

  5. request an extension to a US embassy.

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