
I am getting picked on in school and i want to stop it but if i tell then i will be a tattle tail plz help

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I am getting picked on in school and i want to stop it but if i tell then i will be a tattle tail plz help




  1. Where they at, ill get em for you!

  2. i'm in highschool and i remember how it used to be. tell you guidance counselor. ask him/her to speak with the parents. the bully will get scared and stop. stop this before you get older cause the older people get, the meaner. until their like 17ish, then they mature.

  3. What grade are you in? If you give me more info I can help.

  4. bullys usualy pick on people to get a reaction so their friends think more of them. The way to make them stop is not letting them getting a reaction. If they call you a name then agree with them or just say 'hmm... interesting idea' and walk away. They will get bored and wont do it any more because they will be embarrased.

    If its physical and it leaves a mark you could wear a top that shows the injury so someone will notice, that way you arn't a tattle tail.

    If you have other friends then stick with them and they'll help defend you if they're worth anything. If you do feel only miserable about your school and you dont have as many friends as you would like then ask your parents if you can move schools they should be sympathetic.

    If it doesn't stop you have to tell someone because it will haunt you after school and for the rest of your life if you dont.

  5. stand up for yourself. i shoved a guy into the vending machine for calling me king kong. in front of a lot of people. no one ever messed with me again.  

  6. You will not be a tattle tail. If people are picking on you than you should tell the person in charge. Dont ever say anything back(although at times you might wanna stangle them lol) Make sure that what ever it is that they are saying is big enough to be told on. Wait untill there is no one around when you are telling. Hope that i helped

  7. Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. I'm NOT saying to fight the bullies, but stop letting it be fun for them. Ask yourself why they are picking on you, and what they get out of it. Then stop the cycle by either removing the source of the teasing, or simply changing your reactions to the harrassment. Instead of taking it when they do mean things, try brushing it off and telling them to grow up. If it persists, I'd get faculty involved. In school it seems so important to be 'cool' and fit in, but really, most of the 'cool' kids grow up to be losers and are surpassed in life by the kids they once teased. Think Bill Gates was popular?  Hold your head high and remind yourself that they're the ones with problems, not you.

  8. I got picked on alot too. I wish i would of said something more. I went into the councling office and they pulled them in too. It did help out. Dont ever let anyone pick on you. Let someone know no matter what your age is. I am 20 years old and it still makes me upset me letting them be so mean. Good luck. keep your head up.

  9. I have been a substitute teacher for a couple of years and I know if one my students was being picked on, I would want them to tell. Protecting yourself by telling a teacher, your principle or parents is not something bad. Make sure you tell someone as soon as possible! No one was the right to make you feel bad about yourself! Don't forget you are beautiful and awesome just the way you are!

  10. If your getting hurt, whether it be physically or emotionally, you should tell a teacher, councilor, or a principal.

    Don't let these people s***w you up, because trust me, let it go for long enough, you'll be very unhappy.

  11. oh just go kick em in the shins,,,,,and tell them you will not stand for this anymore...sometimes you gotta show them you mean business.

  12. You need to stand up for yourself now!

    The next time someone picks on you, call their bluff. Stand your ground, and tell them flat out, "If you have a problem with me lets deal with it" if they don;t back down and continue, clock them one! Show them they won't be bulllying you any longer. It WILL STOP! I promise

  13. You should definatly say something to a parent,teacher,principal,ect..My daughter is 11 and was getting picked on alot about her being so skinny.It was really affecting her school work,and her confidence.She came to me and said something and we went to the principal and she had talked everyone about the effects of teasing,and in the end it changed,they stopped teasing her.She started to realize she had nothing to proove to them and with our nightly talks and her confidence level had a boost.Dont ever let anyone tease you,they dont have the right.You have the right to go to school without being teased.

  14. It's never ever tattle tailing if he's hurting you! Tell someone and they will keep them away! I got a boy moved to a different class once.

  15. Go to the Principal and tell him you don't know how to deal with these people and that you don't want to tattle but you just can't cope anymore. He will be able to handle it in a way that they don't know you told

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