
I am getting ready to register my litter, but having difficulty with what color they are? Any suggestions?

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Mother is a blue point lynx applehead, father is a seal point. 4 of the females are definate blue point lynx (the stripes are obvious) one of the males is a definately a seal point but the other 3 I cannot tell! They look as if they may be blue points only (not lynx) but yet seem to look a little seal pointl. Is there a secret in telling the colors?




  1. I would suggest you either go to the vet to get this confirmed or contact your local registrant of cats to clarify.  You don't sound like a professional cat breeder, so not sure why you're registering them and what for.  Alittle more info would be nice.

  2. If you are a "real" breeder then you should have a mentor who can answer these types of questions for you.  Otherwise you shouldn't be breeding, and are the reason that there needs to be a Siamese cat rescue.  

    You clearly aren't aware that Siamese are the #2 breed turned in to shelters, and the first to be euthanized since they do not do well there.  Most of the cats surrendered to shelters come from back yard breeders, and that sounds to me as if that's what you are.  If your cats do not have championship ribbons in the show ring, then they should not be bred.  If your cats do in fact have CFA and/or TICA championships then you have my sincere apology.  Otherwise, get your cats altered.  

  3. Hurray for appleheads!  I don't know what your other 3 are, but they all sound beautiful!

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