
I am getting the bus for the first time tomorrow, does anyone have any advice or tips?

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I am getting the bus for the first time tomorrow, does anyone have any advice or tips?




  1. get in, get on, get off...not too tough

  2. keep ur bag on ur seat so no crazy people sit next to u.

    oh and dont sit in the front seats, there for the old peps and they go mad if u sit in them

  3. If you sing a song to the driver, he'll let you on for free.  This is commonplace on most forms of public transport.  Sorry if you already know this though.  Good luck.

  4. Be at the stop about 10 minutes early also keep in mind some drivers will never be on time no matter what. So if the bus is late just keep to yourself. Always have a lot of change Quaters,Dimes, Nickels and 1 Dollars Bills. Pay the exact fare. Ask what the transfer policy "because some other bus services not accept them" if they do accept them it can save you some extra change.

  5. Make sure you have exact change!

  6. Wrap up warm for waiting at the bus stop.

  7. get to the bus stop early to get a seat

  8. Make sure you have the right change for your journey or if you dont know the exact cost of your journey make sure you have plenty of coins in change.

    A lot of bus drivers may refuse to change notes and it can be most embarrasing!

    Keep safe!It would be best to sit on the lower deck and avoid the top floor if possible. (Not a problem on single floor buses!)

    Depending on the area you live there can often be more loud youths or yobs on a top deck.

    Avoid confrontation!-It is a sad fact in todays world a lot of idiots (often drunk) can kick off or cause arguments on a bus.

    Make sure you have an idea of where you want to get off the bus and ring the bell in time so the driver knows you want to depart.

    If your not sure if your getting on the right bus or where the bus goes always ask the driver!99 per cent of them will help you!

    Keep a tight hold of your handbag/valuables,if possible keep it of sight.Sit next to someone who looks safe!(You dont have to talk to them if you dont feel like it!!)

    If the bus is full and you see someone older then yourself or anyone imfirm standing-it would be admirable and polite of you to offer them your seat!-I always do and a little kindness goes a long way!

    Most of all enjoy your ride!-Good luck.

  9. pay the diver, sit down, and get off at the right stop

  10. wait till the door opens before getting off

    Good luck

  11. well Please have your change (or pass or transfer) ready to give to the operator  (so many people wait say 20 minutes

    for the bus, then board the bus, then fuss to find their change for the fare! thereby blocking the next passenger trying to board the bus

    remember most drivers can NOT make change!

    again people wait 20 mintues for the bus and they happen

    to be boarding right in front of  a store with a $20.00 bill

    then expect to find anpther passenger to give them change!

  12. Have loads of change in your purse/wallet, so you can give the driver the right money.  If you try to give him/her a £5 or £10 note, you will get a stream of abuse thrown at you.

    When you sit down do NOT speak to anyone.

  13. Make sure you have exact change bus drivers go crazy if ur even 5 cent off.and pay attention for your stop.

  14. don't talk to all the freaky people... lol

    it's too bad that busses have such a bad rap nowadays. back in the early eightys when i was in high school the bus system in tacoma, wa was second to none. it was cheap and got you anywhere and everywhere you wanted to go.

  15. I'm assuming a trip and not a commute. Sit as close to the front as possible. Take a small blanket for warmth (like the little airline blankets). Take an easy to read book (magazines have no staying power). Consider a cheap music source with headphones (cheap should it be stolen or lost). Don't leave anything of value on the bus if it stops for lunch or whatever. Enjoy the trip!

  16. Watch your pockets or pocketbook, get up, in, or out quickly, but safely. Use the poles or seat backs to steady yourself if it gets too crowded or bumpy.

  17. Have exact change and don't talk to strangers.

  18. make noises so tw*ts dont sit next to u

  19. wear a mask to stem off all the cough germs and engine fumes........buses stink!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. bring purell hand sanitizer so you don't get the staph infection from the homeless guy on the bus.

  21. take a packed lunch

  22. If the seat is damp, don't sit down.

  23. first dont overpay coz u might not get change back, then take ur ticket coz drivers get annoyed if u dont, then try to pick a seat on ur own not next to someone, press the bell with good time before your stop, make your way to the door before the bus arrives at your stop it makes it easier and then thats about it

    hope this helps

  24. Move towards the back so the elderly can have the first seats but stay away from the crazy person in the back.  Don't flash money or valuables.  If somebody tries to hit on you start looking for the closest old person to talk to.  If standing hold on to the hand rail, keep an eye on your stuff, make sure you watch for your stop and watch your step when you get out.  Remember to ask for a transfer when you get on, if you have to transfer.  Good luck!

  25. Learn to drive at the earliest opportunity!!!

  26. Bring the right change, avoid people who are coughing or sneezing, wash your hands when you have the opportunity, and know where you want to get off. And give up your seat to someone older than you or someone who is handicapped and needs it more than you do. Or a beautiful girl if you are lucky ( if you are a guy :o)

  27. Sit towards the front, bring a book to read.  I avoid looking at people, just because I don't feel like talking to them.  Keep your purse on your arm, and in your lap the whole time, and don't do anything stupid.  You'll be ok.  I was worried the first time that I rode the bus too, but now I refuse to drive to work.  I love having a half hour on the bus to read every morning before work, and then after work.  It's a sort of destressor for me.  It ends up being a lot cheaper than driving and paying for gas and parking.

  28. have change , bus don't carry change, know the bus route and times of pick up you should go to your local bus web site and see what route will take you where you need to go and times and how much it will be, if you are going to take the bus more than 1 time in a day it might be cheaper to bus a day pass for the bus

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