
I am getting two baby turtles and ones a soft shell and ones a map turtle how big should the container be

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I'm getting a soft shell turtle from the wild and it is about 2 quarters and the map turtle is about 1 quarter how big do they get and how big should the container be




  1. the map turtle will get to be 5 inches if its a male and over 9 inches if its a female. softshells will get well over 8 inches.  for one adult softshell a 60 to 70 gallon is usually needed so you will have to increase that size by about 20 to 40 for the map. so a 100 gallon would work.

    I really do not suggest mixing a map and a softshell.  softshells can be very aggressive and are best kept alone.  softshells deliver painfull bites and can seriously injure a map turtle.  if you want a buddy for your map then get another map.  

    if you do choose to mix them then do not feed them together, they will become aggressive and the map will loose.

  2. a 55 gallon will suffice

  3. This is a disaster in the making, for many reasons.

    If you live in the USA, it's prohibited by Federal law to remove a native animal from its natural environment.  

    First off, you should NOT remove a turtle from the wild.  If the map turtle is captive born; the wild turtle can introduce bacteria, shell rot, fungus, disease and parasites which could make the Map very ill, if not result in death.

    You should never try to house two such dissimilar species together.

    Research BOTH turtles and their particular aggression behavior as adults, as well as their space requirements.

    It's very irresponsible to get an animal before you understand its needs and diet.  I don't mean to be rude/mean - but facts are facts.

    If you want a Soft Shell turtle, it should be purchased from a breeder, store, or expo, and be captive born.

    Know what you're getting into before you accidently do harm to one or both turtles.

    Research is the key, and obtaining captive born animals is the only right thing to do.

    An informed owner is a happy one with healthy and content pets.

    I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  4. sounds like a 55 gallon if you go to the right place they may only be 75 dollars but that pretty much what mr formal said too

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