
I am glad Mccain FINALLY distanced himself from Bush. Aren't you?

by  |  earlier

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I mean the more I research Bush, the more I can't believe that he was responsible for and refuses to own up to! It is disgusting!




  1. He did?

  2. Yeah... Until the next fundraiser when McCain will be there, gleefully shaking Bush's hand.

    That's the reality.

  3. he did not need to

    anyone who knows politics knows that McCain has been the thorn in bushes side for the past 8 years.  McCain has been the anti-bush darling of the press for 8 years now.

  4. I don't think he did.

  5. McSame? He has the same silly ideas and backed Bush over 90% of the time. Maybe you should go back to your research.  

  6. It's too little too late.  

  7. He didn't. People aren't caring about it because of Palin. But that doesn't change the fact that he voted 95% with bush.

  8. McCain hasn't distanced himself at all.  Sure he may say that he is not similar to him, but lets face it, he obviously agrees with the man about something if he voted for 90% of his policies.  Only time will tell as to whether he is the same or not.  If he becomes president and continues the same trends, then we know that he is the same.  They may be two different people but I see too many similarities.  

  9. Doesn't matter really, McCain has my support either way.

  10. He can do that but he is still the same

  11. McCain=Bush=Failure




    Thats about it.

  12. I dont think he did.

  13. Ummmm... yeah, about that.....

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