
I am goin on a camping trip with some of my friends and i am going to play a prank on them.?

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I need some ideas for a prank to play on some friends during a camping trip we are not goin to be by anyone else and will only have 1 other adult with us. any ideas? I also know that they all believe in sasquatch ( as do i) and would like to play a sasquatch related prank on them. with or with out your help i am playing some sort of prank on them it does not have to be sasquatch related




  1. Do you know how to make a "tin can telephone"?

    Make a BIG one. Just one end is needed on a short soft rope about 3 foot length.

    You can use a metal or plastic container, a 1 gallon can or coffee can will do.

    When complete just wet the rope and stroke it, by holding the can in one hand and pulling on the rope, letting the rope slide between your fingers.

    What a noise it makes!

    Have fun with it!

    See my website for more info:

  2. Are you tent camping? During the night you could go outside the tent (maybe to go to the bathroom?) and then after a little while lightly brush the tent with your hand and make noises like a bear (or sasquatch) is just outside the tent and rustling through your camp. Of course this would only work if they can't see you so hopefully there isn't light to show your silhouette. Also make sure you stand clear of the windows.

  3. Get one person to rustle the leaves when everyone else is a sleep. You go investigate and scream because Sasquatch "attacks" you. You get the idea. Of course if that doesn't work the evil "pine cone in sleeping bag" will do just fine too.

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