
I am goin to high school. ANd I want to try out for volleyball. What should I expect to do.?

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And how is the volleyball season like in hiugh school




  1. during volleyball tryouts for school you usually have to run a mile, sprints and stuff to see how good of shape you are in. For the volleyball part you will have to do passing and setting drills, we had a catchit thing where it is a big net that you have to get the ball into. Also make sure your serving is good. And what gets the coaches attention is if your loud, call the ball everytime, cheer on other people, and give it 100% even if your doing something easy.

    My freshmen year playing volleyball was so much fun I loved it, and i think you will too, getting to play in games, having people come to watch, its amazing!


  2. It depends on the coaches, but they will most likely be testing you on every skill - serving, hitting, passing, blocking. I know that my tryouts are usually mostly focused on hitting and passing. You will probably be doing a bunch of different drills to test you. It always a good idea to talk to the coach who is running the tryout and introduce yourself and say how much you want to be part of the team. Also, pay attention during the tryout - don't get distracted talking to friends - just focus on what you need to be doing, playing volleyball. The season really depends on your school and the level at which you are playing (JV, varsity). I know I have 1-3 games per week and practices after school for 11/2 to 2 hours. Ask someone who has played on the team before or talk to the coach. All high school sports are more serious than middle or elementary school sports, so you want to make sure that you can be fully committed to the team and make it to every practice unless you have a good excuse (you missed school because you're sick, have a doctor appt, etc).

    OH!! and make sure you CALL THE BALL!!! SOOOOOO important!!!! Coaches want to see that you are loud, assertive, and WANT to play

  3. I'm not in High School right now but I did Volleyball for my school and you have to be quick and have really strong arms and to keep the eye on the ball. When I did volleyball my coach let my team do underhand serving but in High School you have to learn to do hit it high with your hand

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