
I am going back to school and I want to find a career in the Environmental/Going Green Industry?

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I would like to have a future career in the "environmental friendly/energy efficient/eco-friendly/going green" industry. Do ya'll have any suggestions, and are there any colleges, technical schools, online programs for these types of careers? I would eventually like to own my own business in this also in the future. Also, I would like to contribute to helping clean up the environment and any "green" friendly projects/rebuilding efforts in the New Orleans Louisiana area where I live so I can learn more about it and contribute to my community!




  1. there is a Climate Change Masters program at Columbia University, as well as a few environmental policy degrees. Its in NYC but I just attended the "State of the Planet " conference put on by the Earth Institute.

    i'd say these are the ways you can go about it:

    1. if you enjoy working alone, researching, writing and have a lot of patience then maybe you could get a science degree that helps us understand how to preserve the environment OR expose environmental harms (EXamples: biology, ecology, geology)

    2. If you dont mind having to know a little about a lot of things AND to be an expert in some way on an environmental issue (water, limber industry, food/gmos/pesticides, climate change, pollution, renewable energy, etc) you can be a public policy person or administrator for the government, and NGO, think tank or university.

    3. as for your other question. look up Sierra Club, world wildlife fund, greenpeace, forests forever, natural resources defense council (they did research on New Orleans), and Honor the Earth.

    some urls:

  2. Yes , train in the field of eviromental protection agency, even in their legal field if not a field officer. It has many of spring identities, career paths.

  3. We need more Environmental Scientist-great job. The EPA requires all new projects to have an environmental impact study. I would look into that area. While in school, look at charities-I founded you can intern or volunteer.

    Have fun

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