
I am going for a vacation and i decided to keep my fish in the pet store is it a good idea?

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Hello, in a couple of days i will be going in a vacation, and i decided to keep my fish in the petstore from where i brought them, the petstore salesman agreed, but i have a problem when all of my fish will be out of the tank the tank will remain empty with water in it, so will the water become stale? or the does it become unhealthy for my fish until i returned?

PS: The salesman told that they will take a very good care of my fish and they will even give us a fish free if one of my fish dies so is this good idea that my fish should stay with them? I ahve no other choice.. and i dont know how many days i am going to spent in my vacation, pls help. ( i dont want neighbours to come and feed my fish)




  1. i think its a bad idea just purchase an automatic feeder and fish could be without food for up to two weeks. Moving the fish around will definetly stress them out. my advice is don't do it.

  2. What about feeders?  Its basically a block of food, that slowly dissolves, and will feed your fish for up to a week.

    I have used these in the past, with great success....

    I would think moving them around, would not be the way to go.

  3. You can get a automatic fish feeder for the time you are away. Moving fish to a new tank is full of risks.

  4. I would not do it just because they will give you a free fish if yours dies desn't mean you should let it die, and letting the petstore take care of it is letting your fish die. what you should do is go to the petstore tell them you changed your mind and buy a vacation feeder seashell.  it looks like a seashell and is the cleanest of all the vacation feeders.  most vacation feeders spew out many fish flakes just after they filled there tummies which means the pyramid vacation feeders(the bad vacation feeders) will either make your fishes tummies explode(this has happened to a friend of mine) or foul up the water and kill them all.  the petstore exposes them to sick, dying, and dead fish which could make them sick and kill your fish!  the only other thing you could do is get a trusted friend or neighbore to take care of them.

    Hope this helped!

  5. I think it's absolutely great that the fishstore will take care of your fish

    as for your fishtank, it will be fine, just make sure you leave the filter on and if it's a tropical tank that you leave the heater on as well

    when you're back from vacation, just do a 50% waterchange and test your water parameters about 1 hour later

    if everything is fine, you can put your fish back in

    the most important part is that your filter doesn't dry out, if that doesn't happen, your bacteria won't die off

  6. Your fish will be much better off at home without being fed for a couple of days than they will be at the petstore (exposed to any number of potentially diseased fish, etc), and your tank will be better off with the fish present, so that your bacteria has continuous food.

    Your fish can survive for a good 2 weeks without food if they are healthy - a couple of days sure won't harm them at all.

    You will be much much better off just leaving them home.

    I would really recommend against the pet store, and I'd also recommend against a neighbor feeding unless that neighbor is very familiar with proper fish care. It's very easy for someone who doesn't know what they are doing to overfeed and cause big problems in a fish tank.

    Enjoy your vacation. Your fish will be just fine at home when you get back.

    EDIT: Those "vacation feeder" things that you drop into your tank are basically junk that will s***w up your water parameters. I would not buy them for any reason.

    Automatic feeders can be a good option, especially for someone who is away a lot, or for extended periods of time - but in your situation where this vacation is just for a few days (or even a week), the investment is probably not worth the outcome. The good auto-feeders can be expensive, and the cheaper ones tend to fail with sometimes harmful consequences (overfeeding, etc).

    Your fish really will be fine for a few days while you are on vacation.

  7. Most "pet" fish can easily go at least a week without food, some much longer.  I would recommend leaving them at home, feeding them what you normally do before you go.  Unless you're gone for more than 3 weeks, don't worry.  

    You don't say what kind of fish, so additional info I could give can't be given.

  8. Dont give ur fish to ur local petstore they will not take proper care of them for you! and just because they said they will give u a free fish if one of urs dies! dosent mean they are still gonna give u a nice fit and healthy fish! anyway go out and buy an automatic fish feeder, or buy a holiday block(it releases food every day and is cheaper than a automatic feeder)

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