
I am going into junior high in a few weeks and i am scared to death! What should i do?

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(My math skills aren't the best.)




  1. you just need to be yourself i started junior high last year and i was so scared but you know it is really fun if you make it that way. you just need to remember that it is school and if you have any problems that you need to ask you teacher or ask your parents for help.

  2. Seriously your first day should be just for you incoming sevies to get used to the building... they're likely to be really really leanient on the not making it to class on time. If your school doesn't allow you to carry bags to and from class just get a binder and carry that around with you (those zip up binders are awsome) get some dividers and organize your classes and folders so you wont have to make a trip to your locker all the time.

    Junior high is no big deal at all once you get used to it....

    But! make sure you get off to a great start by doing every assignment you get in classes so you don't fall behid....

    Teachers- not much to worry about...

    Getting up on time? Try going to bed earlier and setting your alarm...

    all this is just a new experience and you'll adapt...

    Once you get the hang of all of this you'll be like "this was no big deal at all"

    Hope this helps!

  3. Get involved in the good things, stay away from drugs and smoking.

  4. I just finished middle school back in June. I am also horrible in Math. Teachers are usually willing to tutor before or after school. Don't worry. If you need help in math, then just ask for some help. The teachers aren't going to let you fall behind. As long as you try really hard you'll be fine.  

  5. It's not as bad as it seems, so relax =]

    -study for tests

    -do your homework

    -don't be afraid to ask questions

    -do your homework in a quiet place

    -have fun

    -make friends

    -don't judge quickly

    -be open minded

    -get involved


    -don't do to much extra things to the point you don't have time for school work

  6. calm down and just be yourself and have fun! Good luck!

  7. The most important thing i can tell you is- Be organized. Do all your homework.And get into a routine. Know where your classes are, so you can organize when you'll stop at your locker- You wont be able to do so after every class.

  8. Chrissy:

    Everyone I've ever known that was scared to start junior high was fine after the first day was over with.  YOU WILL BE TOO!!!

    As far as your math skills go, why don't you make it a goal to improve, even just a grade or so?  You seem to be good with your computer.  There are some online math tutorials for different grades (i.e: 7th grade, 8th grade, ect).  You'll feel good about reaching the goal to never feel insecure about your math grade again!  

    Best of luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Write back and let us know how it goes!!!

    addendum:  I have always considered my Junior High years some of the best years of my life.

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