
I am going into year 10 and I am worried ?

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I am going in to year 10 in september and I am starting my GCSE courses, I have already completed one piece of descriptive writing for english and got a A-. Which I am really happy with, but I am worried because I don't want to get behind on coursework or get stressed about exams.

So does anyone have any tips to keep cool in exams or any good ways of remembering revision? as my memory is rubbish!!




  1. lol ill be in yr10 soon aswell dont worry at my school the gcse tests will be at the end of year 11 so you got like 2yrs to go

    ask your teachers when the tests are for your school but i doubt theyll be anytime soon.

  2. Oh!

    Don't be worried!!

    I just finished year 11, and year 10 isn't something to be stressing out over! As long as you don't let yourself lag on coursework, you'll do awesome ^^

  3. i'm going into year 10 too yay!

    the best thing about year 10 is that you have more freedom, and that you don't get teachers getting into a hissy fit about your work, unless they really have to (so i've heard).

    NO MORE SAT'S!!!


    AND TAKE THAT NEW ALBUM OUT IN DECEMBER YAY!!! - Okay that's what I'm excited about lol.


    For Exams (i used this for the Sat's) -

    keep a cool, clean mind - for that you'll need to do is BE CALM....

    For coursework/homework (i used this while doing any type of homework) -

    Listen to you fave music, and do whatever you need to course/homework for home down the library, but listen to your ipod/mp3/walkman through earphones so nobody moans about the noise down the libarary.

  4. dont worry. It's no way as bad as year 11. But you'll have the experiance next year when you go to year 11. Allthough it is the most annoying year i can think of. But youll enjoy year 10 more because you get to learn the subjects you acctually want to.

  5. Firstly - congrats on your excellent English score! A- is fantastic, and I'm sure with that result tucked under your belt it should give you a confidence boost going into year 10 - I'm going into that year myself.

    I don't know how your coursework timetable will be, and how much of it you will have already done - but the best thing to do is have a coursework planner so you can keep track of all your pieces of coursework you need to complete. Just to remember NEVER ever leave your coursework till the last minute, and always put it in your own words!

    Just don't worry - I'm sure with the good grade you got in English you're a great student! Concerning exams, it's always good to have a few minutes' revision check-up in skimming over revision books before you go in, just to recap. Don't try to cram a lot in - exams are about knowledge and memory. If you know it, it'll come flooding back to you. Just focus in your lessons, and take notes. Revise throughout the year till you can fully grasp the subject you're trying to understand. Work extra hard, because GCSEs unlike the SATs DO matter. However, don't stress yourself out - remember there's always time to socialise, and if you struggle try to identify the problem early and confer with a teacher.

    I'm sure your school will reward your year after all your hard work in GCSEs and such. Just remember to work hard, keep cool in exams and don't worry - you'll be fine. It's always good to take in a drink of water for the exams in a clear plastic bottle. Assure yourself and BELIEVE! Good luck this year!

  6. There is nothing to worry about. I got C's in all the exams I needed for college, and trust me, I was a God alwful student! You'll do fine. The best advice I can give is to do homework as soon as you get it, then you can discuss any problems you are having with your teacher before it's too late. Also, get a notepad and make notes in classes to go over at home.

    It's a bit boring but once you get used to it you'll be fine. Start thinking about what you want to do in college as well. You'll be applying for a course soon.

    Good luck, you'll be fine :)

  7. Me too! I'm also going into year ten except I'm also starting a new school so it is even more worrying! My sister has been through the whole thing and is now at college, she taught me just to enjoy it because you will only go through this once. You have to make the most of it. I guessing you are probably thinking, GOOD! I only have to go through it once, phew! But we don't get another chance at it, so if you get too stressed, the whole thing could fall to pieces. Stay calm and just do your best. Don't push your self to the ultimate limit and complete tire yourself out. Just focus on your work and you will be fine, don't get into any arguments with friends or anything, just stay focused and positive.

    For the revising bit, try writing different sections of revision in different colours- it's scientifically proved that this helps you remember! Try and get top marks on your coursework, becuase then the pressureof exams is not as huge! Still try youre best though!

    Good Luck, hope it goes ok!


  8. u noe the worst thing abt iit is that this year is hectic!!thats just make sure u dont lag behind....that is the best thing u could do with ur work!!!

  9. hey .am going to year 10 too..and am going to be doing APPLIED ART and ICT afterschool...

    i aint worrying that means you dont have to worry...what iam going to do is work hard all the time and try your best.. !! ..what ever you do BE PREPARED !! hard and hopefully you will get good grades ...teachers will scare you saying..GCSE WORK..AHH ..n dat ...just chill and do it ..its like homework buh in a details lol..and learn to be indepentdant ...and work indepentdentlyy heeh ..

    what courses are you doing ? then

  10. ive just finished year 10 and im now in year 11 when we go back in september.

    First thing, in maths, you dont do coursework, just exams. so all maths will take is some revision.

    English - as long as you do your coursework to the best of your ability, that will go towards your final grade too, so you dont have to rely 100% on your exam.

    Science - unsure about science but i think its just exams.

    A way to keep cool in your exams is to just breathe. make sure you have been to the toilet before hand, and eaten something in the morning/dinnertime. At our school they give us a bottle of water and a kit kat to eat and drink before you go in. But in the exam, just keep a positive mind, and say 'i can do this' because the chances are, you can. Also, dont bother about other peoples stress, if they are stressed out, dont think you have to be too because theres nothing to worry about, coursework has already got you up to a certain grade, its just the exam you need to boost it up to a higher grade.

    Depending on the options you took in year 9, you might not even need to do an exam for it! I took business, and I only have to do coursework for it. Where as, my friend took health and social, and she has to do an exam for hers. Also, history, thats both coursework and an exam.

    But yeah, while your in the exam, clear your mind of all other problems..and keep a positive mind.

    Just year 10, you only do coursework and MOCK EXAMS. which means theyre only practices! so dont worry about exams till year 11.

    As for revision techniques, write facts and things on little pieces of paper, make them as colourful, and each one a different style of writing (not every one, but make them interesting) and then stick them with blue tac around your home. Then when your at home, you can read all the facts around your house. Stick them where you'll see them, but not all clumped together. like one on the computer screen, one as a bookmark for the book your reading, on the tv remote. and every time you use these things, you'll be able to remember the facts on them. The colour and interesting look will make them more memorisable...i learnt that words in colour are more memorisable in psychology! (which is an exam and coursework)

    Another thing, somehow, revising on a morning will help you remember more, and eating breakfast helps too. So does drinking water.

    Also, for your maths, use a website called..

    your teachers will provide you with revision books (not right away, but they will!)

    Dont worry about year 10, i found it easy, and i was able to catch up in the 6 week holidays on coursework and it only took me a couple of hours for about three days.

    I chose, business, psychology and graphics.

    - dont worry if you took graphics, its coursework and an exam, but the exam is like SIMPLE its all just common sense.

    Dont worry, seriously, as long as you pay attention, and ask when you dont understand, you'll be absoloutley fine.

    Personally, im worried for year 11..cos this is it! haha I dont want to leave.

    But really, dont worry, you'll be fine! I was :) (and my memory is terrible!)

    Ohh might be offered afterschool GCSE subjects. If you are, only take them if you think you can handle them too. I did art in the beginning of the year, and i found it too much on top of my other subjects in school time, so i stopped doing it.

    So yeah, you'll be fine! (sorry for the long answer!)

    Hope i helped


  11. Don't worry! I'm going into yr 10 too and I know not to get stressed out. Just calm down and enjoy school while it lasts. Once you start college or uni, thats when you have to worry.

  12. I'm Going in to year 10..

    and i don't think you should worry,

    enjoy it while it lasts

  13. Don't even start worrying about revision until you're in year11, or maybe the summer holidays before that if you're really organised - but to be honest nobody did. Ummm the best advice I can give is to do your homework as soon as you can (don't leave it til the last minute) and don't stress too much! Oh and enjoy it while it lasts! These could be your last 2 years in school if you go into college or something, so make the most of not having to worry about anything except friends and exams :)


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