
I am going on a backpackin trip, and i was wondering if my sleeping bag size, 11" by 15" is small enough?

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I am going on a back packing trip in New Mexcio in a few weeks and i was wondering how small my sleeping bag should be because my bag right now is 11" by 20" in a stuff sack but i bought a compression sack and i got it down to 11" by 15". I still think this is too big compared to what other people are bringing. I am just thinking about buying a new bag. THe one i have now has 3lbs of fill weight and is rated to 20 degrees. Is this a good size?




  1. The question is can you fit all of your gear into/onto your pack the way it is. I'm assuming you are going on something like a 10 day trip in the Sangre De Christo mountains of Northeastern New Mexico somewhere in the vicinity of Cimarron. If I'm correct, you've been provided with a list of stuff you are to take. You should be able to fit that stuff and have enough room left over for some large bags containing food and other things you will be issued when you get to New Mexico. If it all fits, then you don't need to buy a new sleeping bag.

    However, my sleeping bag compresses down to about the size of a 1qt Nalgene Bottle. It was expensive, but I wanted something light and small and rated to 35F. That's what I used when I worked as a Ranger for two years at the place you are probably going.

  2. I think you should get a smaller one it sounds like yours is too big.  I would think the one you have will be a little bit too heavy for you to carry on your back packing trip you need a lighter sleeping bag. try and 8"by 10" or just a little bit bigger but not by much though :)

  3. He fails to mention that his tiny little nalgene sized sleeping bag was down, down, down, which costs a lot which this kid can't afford nor should he bother to try to replace what he already has if it'll do for this one trip and won't ruin his trip which it won't.

  4. Get all of your gear, including the bag in your pack and try it out. If it's not too heavy or bulky, you're fine. A warm enough sleeping bag will make the difference between a good trip and a bad one.

  5. I suppose your plan is to strap your sleeping bag to the outside of your external frame pack somehow and you think it'll stick out the sides too much, or maybe you have an internal and you're worried it'll take up too much room. Either way it's no big deal if your bag is bigger than other folks. A 20 degree synthetic bag that weighs 3 lbs is about average. I'd stuff it in the sack it came with, strap it on and not worry about it. Or stuff it in the bottom or middle of my internal frame pack above the heavy gear. Using a compression stuff sack will ruin it.

  6. That is a good size. We once went to Minnesota to the Boundary waters and we could only have 10" x 18". Three peoples gear combined into one big backpack and put into canoe. Your temp rating is pretty good. Have a great time. Check out the "Boundary waters canoe area wilderness" BWCAW. Great weather in summer.

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