
I am going on a coach trip that will take 11 hours?

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I am not allowed any electricals e.g ipods, phones, etc and I have no idea how I will pass the time, I'm sitting next to a friend and we can talk for a bit and play Would You Rather and Match or Mash but we need something to keep us entertained. PLEASE HELP COACH LEAVES ON SATURDAY!!

also we dont sleep on this coach




  1. Ummm.....there's probably tvs there. Also, sit around all your friends. You could bring cards along. Think of the old times, when there weren't ipods or cellphones...

  2. if you aren't allowed any electrical items and you can't sleep you're kind of screwed...

  3. Get a good long book that you will enjoy and bring a book of like crossword, or sudoko puzzles or something to pass the time.

  4. Take some nyquil, or read.

  5. Well, I'm just over 12 years old, and when I went on a coach trip, some friends of mine brought some cards and we played them for almost 2 hours. Other times, reading passes the time rather easily. You might want to sleep for an hour or two, anyway your not supposed to.  But, my suggestions are cards, or reading, try them out, you might actually like them!

  6. Bring a good book or some sudokus.

  7. 1) book(s)

    2) magazine(s)

    3) travel guide for your destination area

    4) travel size game(s)

    5) card deck

    6) journal/diary and writing implements

    7) sketch pad and pencils/pastels etc.

    Have fun, and if all else fails, you can alway look out the window and learn something about the area you are traveling thru!

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