
I am going on a diet tomorrow and I am going to keep it at?

by  |  earlier

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a 1700 cal diet, but if I also burn off that 1700 cal's will that make me lose faster or make my body too weak?




  1. going on a diet tommorrow is not the right need to go on a diet today because tomorrow you will say the same thing...and then next day, you will put it off til tomorrow and if you think of it, there a h**l of a lot of tomorrows out there.

  2. if u eat 1700 calories and then burn it off u wont lose any weight u have to burn off more calories than u eat to loose weight

  3. I agree with the other 2 answerers, but I think you need to learn a little more about nutrition and fitness before you embark on this. Use to learn more about this and more. Just put in your goal weight and when you wanna lose it by, and it will give you results for how many calories you should be eating and burning everyday. Don't worry, you do get breaks its not that aweful! But you can really learn about fitness and peel off those extra pounds the right way, by regularly exercising and eating right.

    Get your friends to use it too so they can motivate you and vice versa. Just remember to never go below 1200 calories, that is the minimum you should be putting in your body to make it run efficiently! Hope that helps and email me if you have any questions!!

  4. you could do that but be careful what your eating, and drink plenty of water, and you might get very hungry after a while. just make sure you eat three meals a day and they get you the vitamins and stuff that you need.

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