
I am going on a interview?

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at a preschool what kind of question you think they will ask




  1. Are you attracted to children, Do you smoke drugs and do you have a good work ethic.

    The correct answers are no, no and yes.

  2. What is your experience with preschool children?  Do you see this as a job or a profession with opportunity to study and advance your position ?  Do you enjoy children at this age and can you interact positively with them?

  3. if you have the patient to deal with children

  4. they want to know what different things you would teach different age groups.

    what are your beliefs in discipline?

  5. They'll ask:

    What your goals are in 5 yrs or 10 yrs?

    How you handle stress?

    Can you handle more than one task at a time?

    Tell me about yourself.

    How you liked ur last boss?

    Have you ever been fired before?

    Your strengths and weakness's?

    Long range goal?

    Why do you wanna work for us?

    Tell me about a time when u used ur people skills.

    What kind of positon are u interested in?

    What would ur co-workers say about you?

    Tell me about a time when you juggled priorities to meet a deadline.

    How do u determine when u are doing the job successfully?

    How has school or another job prepared you for this position?

    Also when you go to an interview make sure u use examples  like "tell me about urself" . Say like im always on time and i like i work well with children and when u say that back it up with an example like a time you helped a child out at another job.

    Also if they ask you weakness turn the weakness into a positive thing.

    Hope that helps!

  6. As a center director I can tell you a few questions we ask our potential teachers.  

    What is your philosophy of education?  

    You have a 4 year old in your class who constantly uses profane language, how would you handle this?  

    Annies mom comes into class and tells you that she was offendend when Annie brought home a paper saying I love my daddy because she doesn't have a daddy, how could this be avoided and what would you do differently next time to insure that this doesn't happen again?  

    What do you know about state licensing rules?

    Tell me about a situation that you were in that you felt uncomfortable with.

    These are the type of questions that I ask potential employees.  I look for confidence in the answer and also an answer that will work according to the policies and procedures in our center.  Good Luck I'm sure you will do fine!

  7. Do you like kids. Are you good with kids.

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