
I am going on a seven hour car drive what are some ideas of ways I could entertain my self????

by  |  earlier

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  1. As said before, play DS, Game Boy, iPod, etc. to pass the time. Reading good books (ex. Harry Potter) or anything to distract the mind can help as well. Road games like I Spy or trying to see everything on a list is a good one, too. Sometimes just trying to read a map and find where you are can pass the time. Of course, sleeping or just looking at the passing scenery is a final back-up plan.

  2. My family plays a game where we spot certain cars for points. Punch-buggys (voltswagon) are 10 points. Woodys (cars with a wooden stripe in the middle) are 2 points. Limos are 5 points. You can make up points for different cars if you want. We also look at license plates and see how many states we can find (write them down and see if u can get all 50). You can watch movies on a portable DVD player, play DS, Gameboy, play I Spy, read a book, listen to music, SLEEP! or just twiddle ur thumbs!

  3. Books on tape! They get me through every time.

  4. if you have a laptop watch dvds on it for the ride

    if you have a game boy or an ipod listen and play them

    silly putty!!!!! it entertains for hours see what you can make

    if all else fails try to rest or look at the scenery

  5. Hey  that's exciting

    An ipod with full of energetic music or the music u like and the fun part was i took a camera with me which was placed on the dash board on record mode when required  and  watching it later was fun

    Give ur selfs a few breaks in between just to relax and feel fresh

    thats what i do when ever i am on a drive

  6. Listen to music is a good one...maybe sing...listen to an audio book could almost take the whole trip and is actually fun.  

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