
I am going on a trip for two months. What should I do about my mail?

by  |  earlier

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I am a going on a trip for two months. I am also moving out of my house that I am renting just before I leave. What should I do about my mail? I don't want it to be sent to this house because chances are, I'll never see it again.




  1. Put a hold on your mail with the post office. When you get back put in a change of address with them.

  2. Just talk to the local post office and the post man.

    All the mail from all over the world arrives to the local post office.  Just give them directions.

    That simple.

  3. you can put it on hold and just pick it up at your convince or you can rent a post office box.A small box is like 28 dollars a month.

  4. put in a change of address and go to the post office and have them stop delivery until you return from your trip

  5. Get A P.O. Box!!! or send it to friends or family.

    if you place a hold on your mail it eventually gets delivered to your original address.

  6. The post office will not hold your mail for more than 30 days.    Get a P.O. box and have the mail forwarded to the box.   Just make sure you get one that you think will be big enough for 60 days worth of mail.

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