
I am going on an airplane in 2 days how can i fall asleep on it fast ?

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  1. Listen to music or read a book. Or simply just close your eyes and daydream. It works for me.

  2. And get one of those pillows that wrap around your neck. I see them for $12.95 to $25.00 at various airport stores. I won't fly without mine any more.

  3. do something really active before your flight like go for a run. it'll tire you out.

    also spray a handkerchief or your shirt with a lavender spray because lavender has a calming sleepy effect.

    purchase a natural sound effects CD of an outdoor location that you like; like waves crashing on a beach, the crackling of a campfire, or jungle birds. iTunes has many natural sound effect CD's. either bring the CD with you or download it onto your iPod/mp3

    two foods that contain sleep inducing chemicals are milk and turkey so try to have some of that before your flight.  

  4. Well, if you tire yourself before the journey, you are likely to fall asleep in flight ;-)

  5. Just put your seat back and relax. Put on one of those eye mask things that people wear when they sleep. Take a blanket with you because it's really cold in the airplane.

  6. Read a book or magazine or watch a movie :)

  7. If you can't get any prescription sleeping pills, try something like Tylenol PM or other over the counter medications that contain   diphenhydramine which is the ingredient in Tylenol PM that puts you to sleep.  

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