
I am going on holiday and im sooo affaid to fly!!!! Please help me find a GOOD tablet? Not Diazapan, stronger?

by Guest56372  |  earlier

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I have tryed diazapan, stuff that u put on your tounge and they both didnt work!! Please let me know of anything stronger as im going with my fiances family and will be very embarrased!!!

I heard through the grape vine that you can get tablets from the airport!!!!

I realy do need a very strong tablet n i dont care how i feel after!!!

Please help!!!




  1. You are strange : it's not flying I am afraid of it's crashing.

    Truly if you are that afraid get help before you go perhaps your airline of holiday firm would help with advice.

  2. Alprazolam the generic name for Xanax is much stronger than diazipam or valium. Xanax comes in .25, .50, 1 and 2 mg. tablets and a 2 mg. Xanax will knock you out. I don't where you get the idea you can get drugs at the airport, you'll need a doctor to prescribe good sleep aids.

  3. i doubt that u would be able to get something stronger than diazepam or even diazepam itself in the airport as they are on prescription. a lot of doctors will not prescribe things like this that sedate u for a plane journey as if there was an emergency u would be unable to save yrself.  dont think it will impress yr fiances family much if u spend the whole flight zonked out!

  4. There is an over the counter tablet called "phenagen" which can be used for motion sickness but one of the side effects is that it makes you extremely sleepy and i mean extremely sleepy. I used on the way back from Oz to beat the jet lag and my friend uses it when she flies from China. Hope this helps x

  5. 2 diazapan

  6. go to the doctors and tell him your predicament, he can prescribe calmers for you, l don't know what they are but they definitely work, my friend has claustrophobia and is s**t scared of flying as well, he booked a holiday and went to the airport and actually boarded the plane, but when they closed the door he went berserk and eventually got let off the plane, all his family and friends ( about thirty in the party ) flew off without him, he got a taxi home and went to the docs in the morning and was prescribed the calmers, he flew out next morning no probs at all, he swears by them and has used them for the past 3 holidays, they have no side effects, and are prescribed by a GP only, cannot be brought over the counter at a chemists, but they definitely work...

  7. Ask a doctor or pharmacist - much better idea than asking us lot!

  8. Personally, I use Rescue Remedy and it works fine for me but maybe you should speak to your doctor if you think you need something quite strong.......?

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