
I am going on safari in Kenya for 2 days, what clothing+footwear would it be best to take?

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I am going on safari in Kenya for 2 days, what clothing+footwear would it be best to take?




  1. Kenya is in the southern hemisphere so the weather is the opposite of what it is in Europe or North America. That is,  winter is beginning now so take warm clothing and footwear.

    Do get in touch with your local health authorities to get the necessary inoculations and preventive medications.

  2. safari trips can by quite dusty and you can be exposed to the sun for long periods of time. So take:


    A hat - we had to buy one at the game reserve that tied under the chin. Not attractive i know, but they said that baseball caps etc can come off when you're driving and the elephants are attracted to the smell of the sweat on them and can eat the cap, causing health problems.

    A damp cloth to wipe the dust off your face - will feel sooo good!!

    It will probably be quite cool at night so something light but warm will be good.

    Have a great time - Kenya rocks!!

  3. I agree with what the others have advised. Its quite cold in Kenya now. But we are only talking of about 14 to 15 degrees centigrade. Its not winter type cold, but early spring type cold. ...........hope this makes sense.

    Nairobi does get dusty, better carry cross trainners with you, that should do. Or you could buy safari boots in a bata shop in Kenya. There is a Bata Shop by the cant miss it, its in the heart of the city.

    But mind you 2 days is too short for a safari.

    Hope this was helpful


  4. Hi there!

    you will definately need your suncream,shorts and of course camera.

    for dinner you will need something warm it get a bit cold at night.

    Tony k

  5. Linzi, it's a bit chilly in Kenya now especially around Nairobi. I would advise you to carry warm clothings( not the winter ones because the lowest temperature is 10 degrees centigrade). On footwear, have closed shoes especially sports shoes if you will be touring the country. Welcome to this great country, can email me when you arrive on

  6. Dont forget vaccine for avoid malary, before anything.

  7. I would actually take a pair of pants, preferably jeans. Kenya is beginning it's cold season now and you may run into some rain while you are there. If it's warm, shorts won't protect you from the sun which can beat down on you. Definitely sneakers for shoes.

  8. it depends on which side of country you wanna go but for now kenya is very cold i think a big jacket and a pair of sports shoes.

  9. its quite cold now.consider some warm clothing.if touring the parks get some safari boots from bata.

  10. You will have a wonderful experience.  Be sure to take bug spray with DEET.  Pack lightly and prepare to dress in layers.  Kenya is on the equator so it is pretty even year around.  But the high areas will be cool and the low areas can be hot.  I recomment a pair of shorts but also long pants.  Very comfortable and sturdy walking shoes.  Have currency to tip those that help you.  At the lodges where you will be staying they have porters who will be helping you and this is how they make a living.  Pay attention to your guides.

  11. It depends on the type of safari but you can always use sunscreen, shorts, a camera, and comfortable shoes.

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