
I am going shore fishing on the lake...?

by  |  earlier

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Their are channel cat and bass that are lurking around and mating. How could I get them? CrankBait?




  1. for the catfish i would use something stinky like shrimp, beef liver, chicken live, cut shad, dead minnows, etc. and for the bass i would use a jerk bait, spinner-bait, plastic worm etc. hope i helped you out! (best answer?)

  2. I fish the shore all the time use a 1 ounce weight and size 4 hook with chicken liver or nightcrawlers as bait and for bass use worms and minnows on a size 2 hook crankbaits would probaly get a lot of weeds use plastic worms or topwater plugs at earl morning or evening

  3. For channel cats , Cut shad or night crawlers seem to do great when fishing on the bottom with a 1or 2 ounce weight. For bass this time of year a fluke or rattle trap or maybe carolina a brush hog or worm,

  4. frogs and catfish bats

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